Service Design – Building better customer experiences

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The best services and most memorable experiences are based in human-centred service design. Service design differs a great deal from conventional design: it focuses on understanding the needs of users through inclusion and experimentation.

The best customer experiences are based in human-centred service design

With the help of service design, you can create truly significant customer experiences. Its strengths include a deep understanding of customers, the quick testing of ideas and an iterative and co-creative approach to work. By understanding the real needs of customers, you gain a competitive advantage and strong customer relationships.

100 service design projects

Together with our student teams, we have helped over 100 companies and organisations to develop their services. We have gained a deep understanding of customers, interviewed and observed, ideated and tested new concepts.

LAB8 Service Design

Learn about service design

Haaga-Helia’ service design trainers are accredited by the Service Design Network (SDN), the international umbrella organisation for service design.

We will help you get started

During the service design training, you will learn how to make use of service design as a development approach. At the same time, you will apply your new skills and try out the service design tool in your own service design project. Our pedagogically skilled service design trainers will support the process and help you with transformation.

We will develop your services

Over the years, we have carried out numerous service design projects for various customers and target groups.

Collect customer understanding more efficiently than before

"Service design is all about human-centered work and co-creation. A variety of tools help us gather customer understanding and synthetise the insights during the different stages of the process, making it easier to communicate our discoveries.” - Marika Alhonen
