Non Degree Programmes Haaga-Helia Online At Haaga-Helia Online, you can find a wide range of top-notch training programs to enhance your professional skills.
Non Degree Programmes Training of Trainers programme Enhance your teaching skills and advance your career with our flexible Training of Trainers Programme, designed for vocational and technical education professionals.
Professional teacher education studies Human Resource Management Training for Educational Institutions Enhancing educational institutions with strategic human resource management and leadership training
Open UAS Markkinoinnin juridiikka, 5 ECTS Virtual Implementation 19.5.2025 - 15.8.2025 75.00 Enrolment starts 10.03.2025.
Open UAS Ranska 1, 5 ECTS Virtual Implementation 19.5.2025 - 15.8.2025 75.00 Enrolment starts 10.03.2025.
Open UAS Yrityksen talous, 5 ECTS Virtual Implementation 19.5.2025 - 25.7.2025 75.00 Enrolment starts 10.03.2025.
Paula Harmokivi-Saloranta yliopettaja Principal Lecturer, physical activity and wellbeing +358 294471270 [email protected]