If you think you may qualify for transfer crediting, discuss your prior university-level studies with your guidance counsellor. During the orientation days, the requirements for transfer crediting are presented, and you can discuss your case with your guidance counsellor. To keep your studies moving on, apply for transfer crediting during the orientation week. Please note that only studies completed during the last 10 years are accepted. In YAMK/master's level degrees, only master's level studies or higher are accepted. If you complete courses in other universities, make a preliminary transfer credit application to your guidance counsellor.
Forms of Transfer Crediting
- Accreditation refers to transfer crediting courses that are part of your Haaga-Helia curriculum. The learning objectives of the course you completed previously should match those of the Haaga-Helia course. You can inquire more about the required number of credits from your study advisor.
- Inclusion refers to transfer crediting courses that are not part of your Haaga-Helia curriculum. That is, there is no corresponding course on offer in Haaga-Helia. If the content of the course is suitable to your Haaga-Helia degree, you can apply for inclusion.
Applying for Transfer Crediting
- Arrange a meeting with your guidance counsellor. She can answer any questions you have. If there is a document (e.g. an e-mail or transfer credit form) of the meeting, attach a copy of it to the credit transfer application.
- Complete the credit transfer application by filling in the Credit transfer form in the Peppi student registry (requires login). Please make sure that you attach to the credit transfer application the official transcript of your prior studies in Finnish and English, and course descriptions of courses you wish to have transfer credited. The transcript must show your name, the name of the completed course, the scope of the course (e.g. ECTS), the grade and assessment date.
- Send the completed form to your study advisor (previous university studies) or your exchange advisor (studies completed during student exchange) for processing.
Please read Peppi instructions (requires login) carefully before filling out the transfer credit form. Incomplete applications will be sent back for additional information.