digital network

FAIR – Finnish AI Region

Finnish AI Region EDIH (FAIR) provides free or subsidized services to SMEs to advance their digital and green transformation on an open, transparent and non-discriminatory basis.

The technological focus of FAIR is on AI, but we also offer expertise in cybersecurity, high-performance computing, and Extended Reality (XR). Geographically, FAIR services cover the whole Finland with emphasis on Southern Finland. FAIR supports mainly local companies in the region and utilizes existing competencies and infrastructures in the region.

At the core of FAIR are 1) the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI), which is an ecosystem founded and run by AALTO, UH and VTT, and 2) the three major capital region cities (Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa). FAIR has deeper collaboration with selected EDIHs inside Finland and in Europe, but intends to collaborate with and strengthen the whole EDIH network.

Our target customers are SMEs operating in the areas of digital services, smart cities and health. These SMEs are expected to have at least a basic understanding of AI.

  • A typical example of a customer is a company that is already an established player in its own application area and now aims to launch a new product/service harnessing AI, but lacks the expertise and means to correctly validate, implement, maintain and further develop the new AI based service in practice.
  • It can also be a company that aims to improve its operations with a third-party AI solution, but does not have the needed expertise to compare available services nor to implement them efficiently.

FAIR – Finnish AI Region

Project manager: Lili Aunimo

Duration: 3.10.2022–2.10.2025

Partners: City of Helsinki, City of Espoo, Enter Espoo, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, City of Vantaa, University of Helsinki, Aalto korkeakoulusäätiö, CSC- IT Center for Science Ltd, KIRA – InnoHub, EIT Digital Finland

Funding: Digital Europe Programme (European Digital Innovation Hubs)