
Theses for business development and recruitment!
What is it about? A thesis is a good way to develop a company, organization or community and its activities, products and services.
What does the assignment consist of? Theses are particularly suitable for various design, development, and research projects. Haaga-Helia is a multidisciplinary university of applied sciences, whose students are enthusiastic about planning and carrying out development and research work together with the projecting organization. Commissioning a thesis is also a good way to recruit graduating students.
Thesis topics may include for example:
- Sales and Marketing
- HR and Management
- Accounting and Finance
- Supply Chain Management
- Entrepreneurship and Business
- Service and Business Development
- Communication and Journalism
- Programming, Computing, and Digital Services
- Hospitality, Tourism and Catering
- Sport and Well-being
The scope of a thesis is 400 hours (15 credits) of student work. Typically, a thesis takes 3-6 months to complete.
The commissioning company's tasks and the resources required? Haaga-Helia provides the thesis student with an expert in the field and metholodogy to guide the development, research, and reporting. In addition, the student will be supported by information specialists in library and information services. It is the responsibility of the commissioning organization to define the objective of the thesis and to ensure that the student has access to the materials and people needed to carry out the empirical part of the thesis during the research and development work. (NOTE! Thesis reports are public documents. Therefore, it is not possible to complete a thesis on a topic that is confidential or contains business secrets.) The commissioning organization is also expected to comment on the progress of the project and the finished work. The time required for the project will vary greatly depending on the scope and method of implementation, but the company should plan to be involved for approximately 10-40 hours.
The company will agree directly with the student on the fee. The fee is usually proportional to the scope, complexity and value of the project to the company. The amount can vary from free of charge to several thousand euros.
See examples of Haaga-Helia's theses:
Want to know more?
Contact Juha Lindstedt (Finnish theses), Juhani Heikkinen (English theses), or leave a contact request using the form below and we will contact you!
Information about the project
Duration: 3–6 months.
Implementation: Spring and autumn semesters
Students: 2.-3. year students
Price: The commissioning organisation agrees with the student