Open Path application

Kuvituskuva opiskelijat yhdessä

Lead paragraph

You can apply to become a degree student by completing studies in an Open University of Applied Sciences in Finland.

The Open Path application process is for applicants who have already completed studies in an Open UAS (University of Applied Sciences) in Finland and who wish to apply for a study place as a degree student based on those studies. You can also apply with discontinued degree studies from a UAS in Finland but not with the credits of a completed degree. If you have no studies completed in an Open UAS in Finland or in discontinued UAS studies in Finland, please apply in joint application or Rolling admission.

Eligibility requirements in short

Below you will find the eligibility requirements in short. The full admission criteria are available in Studyinfo,

Bachelor's degree programmes

You can apply for a Bachelor's degree programme through the Open Path application process if:

  • you have completed at least 55 ECTS of studies applicable to the desired degree in an Open UAS in Finland or in discontinued degree studies in a UAS in Finland and the studies have been registered in the student register by the end of the application period, and
  • your weighted grade point average is at least 3,00, and
  • at least 30 ECTS of the studies have been graded with a number, and
  • you have completed the studies within the last ten years, so that the ten-year limit is counted backwards from the date when the study right in Haaga-Helia would start if you are admitted through the Open Path, and
  • you have no study right in studies leading to a degree in a University of Applied Sciences in Finland.

Only courses which have been completed in their entirety and with a passing grade, and which show on the official transcript of records can be considered.

If you have completed at least 180 ECTS of applicable studies required for eligibility in Haaga-Helia, you may be selected on discretionary basis without an absolute minimum GPA requirement.

Exceptions to the eligibility requirements, if they exist, will be specified in the full admission criteria in Studyinfo,

Master's degree programmes

You can apply for a Master's degree programme through the Open Path application process if:

  • you have completed or are completing at least 30 ECTS of applicable Master level studies in an Open UAS in Finland or in discontinued degree studies in a UAS in Finland and the studies will be registered in the student register by 30 June (spring application) / 9 January (autumn application), and
  • your weighted grade point average is at least 3,00, and
  • you have completed the studies within the last ten years, so that the ten-year limit is counted backwards from the date when the study right in Haaga-Helia would start if you are admitted through the Open Path, and
  • you meet the eligibility requirements regarding a relevant Bachelor's degree and relevant work experience acquired after completion of the Bachelor's degree, as defined in the admission criteria of each Master's degree programme, and
  • you have no study right in studies leading to a degree in a University of Applied Sciences in Finland.

Only courses which have been completed in their entirety and with a passing grade, and which show on the official transcript of records can be considered.

The eligibility requirements regarding relevant Bachelor's (or a higher) degree and relevant work experience are defined in the admission criteria in Studyinfo, In some cases, a former Finnish vocational college level qualification (opistoasteen tai ammatillisen korkea-asteen tutkinto) may be accepted instead of a relevant Bachelor's degree.

Student selection process in short

An interview or advance assignment or written assignment may be used in the admission process. A scoring system, in which the weighted grade point average of completed credits, number of completed credits (for bachelor level only) and an interview or advance or written assignment are considered, may be used.

An applicant to a bachelor's degree programme may earn admission points for completed credits which are applicable to the degree in question. The applicant may earn admission points as follows:

60-65 ECTS: 1 point
66-70 ECTS: 2 points
71-75 ECTS: 3 points
76-85 ECTS: 4 points
86 ECTS or more: 5 points

Full admission criteria are available in Please read the admission criteria carefully before filling in the application form in Studyinfo.

Results of the student selection

In the spring 2025 application period, a notification of the decision on student admission will be sent by e-mail by 25 April 2025 at the latest. The applicant must confirm the offered study place and enroll for attendance/non-attendance by 2 May 2025, 15.00 (EET).

Further information

Please note that there are tuition fees which concern citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland.

Please note that acceptance to a degree programme is not automatic even if you met the eligibility requirements.

Note that it is not possible to apply through the Open Path for the following master's degree programmes:

  • Master of Business Administration, Strategizing in Organizations
  • Master of Business Administration, Double Degree Programme in Business Technologies and Management

If you have completed all studies required for a degree in Haaga-Helia but have not graduated, please find out more about the Open Path flexible separate application.

Applying through open path application

The application period with studies completed in the Open UAS for studies starting in August 2025 is from 26 March to 9 April 2025 at 15:00 (Finnish time). Full admission criteria will be published in

The application period with studies completed in the Open UAS for studies starting in January 2026 is from 23 September to 7 October 2025 at 15:00 (Finnish time). Full admission criteria will be published in

Open path in a nutshell

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