Choose 3-5 references based on your needs
a) Entrepreneurial Pedagogy
Arene. (2018) Entrepreneurship recommendations for higher education institutions 2018 (pdf.)
Bacigalupo, K., Punie, & Van den brande, L. (2016). EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. European Commission.
Pontinkara, Heli (2019). Teacher’s guide to entrepreneurial skills.
b) Special support for the learner
Honkanen, E. & Nuutila, L. 2013. An overview of vocational special education and training in Finland. P. 264. In: Aaltonen et al. 2013. Practical skills, and education and development - Vocational education and training in Finland. HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences.
Honkanen, E., Kangasho, M. & Nuutila, L. 2019. Structures and possibilities of special support in vocational education. In: H. Kotila (Ed)., 2019. Vocational Teacher., In: Haaga-Helia´s publications, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.
Ryökkynen, S., Pirttimaa, R. & Kontu, E. 2019. Interaction between students and class teachers in vocational education and training: ‘Safety distance is needed’. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 9 (2), 156-174. DOI: 10.3384/njvet.2242-458X.1992156
c) Global Competence and International Work
Internationalisation of VET – Finland. (2019). Finnish national agency for education.
Seitamaa, A & Hakoköngäs, E. (2022). Finnish vocational education and training experts’ reflections on multiculturalism in the aftermath of a major reform, Journal of Vocational Education & Training,
PISA 2018 Global Compence Framework. OECD.
Vanhanen-Nuutinen, L. (2022). Suosituksista käytäntöön – kansainvälisyysosaamisen kehittäminen korkeakouluissa. eSignals PRO.
d) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Pedagogy
Finnish National Agency for education. Inclusion and diversity
Haug, P. (2017). Understanding inclusive education: ideals and reality. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 19(3), 206–217.
Keskinen, S., Seikkula, M. K., Aminkeng Atabong, A., Salleh-Hoddin, A. & Ruotsalainen, N. E. 2022. Podcast Race, Bordering and Disobedient Knowledge
Finnish National Agengy for Education. 2023. Prevention of violent radicalisation and extremism in vocational education and training
Kurki, T. & Brunila, K. 2023. Colonial imaginaries and psy-expertise on migrant and refugee mental health in education. Teoksessa McLeod, J., O’Connor, K., Davis, N. & McKernan, A. (toim.). Temporality, Space and Place in Education and Youth Research s. 126–143. Routledge.
Ministry of Justice.
Raiker, A. & Rautiainen, M. 2017. Educating for Democracy in England and Finland. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Shean, M. & Mander, D. 2020. Building Emotional Safety for Students in School Environments: Challenges and Opportunities. Teoksessa Midford, R., G. Nutton, G., Hyndman, B. & Silburn, S. (toim.). Health and Education Interdependence, s. 225–248. Springer.
Salleh-Hoddin, A., Pirih, T., Kiiskilä, E-L. 2021. Tackling discrimination. My Learning Diary. Rauhankasvatusinstituutti, 2021
Haaga-Helia equality and non-discrimination plan
Salmi, K. Empowering Inclusion : the Crucial Role of Trained Staff in Supporting Special needs Students on Mobility. (2023). Haaga-Helia esignals pro.
e) Digital pedagogy
Redecker, C. & Punie, Y.(2017). European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators: DigCompEdu. European Commission.…
Rogler, A., Lehtomäki, E. & Lampinen, J. Unlocking the potential of online learning in the internationalisation of higher education. Reports and surveys 2023:3. Finnish National Agency for Education.
UNESCO. (2023). ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in higher education. The Global Education 2030 Agenda.
EU publications. Ethical guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and data in teaching and learning for educators
f) Functional pedagogy
Hyppönen, O. Lindén, S. (2009) Handbook for teachers.
Karppinen, S.J.A., Marttila, M., & Anita Saaranen-Kauppinen, A. (toim.). (2020). Outdoor Adventure Education in Finland – pedagogical and didactic perspectives
g) Pedagogical leadership
Leadership for teaching and learning: Exploring a department-level educational leadership role at a Swedish comprehensive university
Jyväskylän yliopisto. (2017, 17.11). The concept of pedagogical leadership. JYU Avoin yliopisto.
h) Sustainability pedagogy
European Commission. (2022). GreenComp: the European sustainability competence framework.
Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development. (2016). The Finland we want by 2050 – Society's Commitment to Sustainable Development.
IPCC. (2023). Climate change 2023: Synthesis Report. Summary for Policymakers. A Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Salonen, A. & Siirilä, J. (2021). Sustainability Science. In: S. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, N. Capaldi, L. Zu, M. Del Baldo & R. Abreu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management. Springer Cham.
UNESCO. (2024). Education for Sustainable Development.
United Nations. (2024). Sustainable Development Goals.
The New Nordic Education for Sustainability. Inspiration from an innovative course in further adult education. (2016)
Hooley, T. (2020) ‘Green’ guidance.
i) Pedagogical well-being and safety
Safer space approach at Haaga-Helia
Kaukinen. R. (2023) Turvaamo, turvalisemman tila toimintatapa opiskelijoiden hyvinvoinnin tukena. (Turvaamo, the operating method of a safer space in support of students’ well being.)
The network of study well-being and guidance in higher education institutions (KOHO)
Opetushallitus. (2023). Kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen turvallisuus. (Safety of upbringing and education)
Erkkilä, R. & Peuranka, S. 2021. Pedagoginen hyvinvointi voimaannuuttaa ja osallistaa opettajan ja opiskelijan. Oamk Journal.
Vanhanen-Nuutinen, L., & Aura, P. (toim.), (2023). Opas pedagogiseen hyvinvointiin. Haaga-Helia julkaisut 3/2023. Newprint, Raisio.