- We do not accept discrimination, racism, hate speech, or any other form of inappropriate behavior. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards such actions.
- We recognize that the learning community has a shared responsibility to create a safe learning environment for everyone.
- If we intentionally or unintentionally hurt someone, we apologize and engage in mediation. We do not underestimate the other person's experience.
- It is our right and duty to address and intervene in cases of inappropriate treatment. If we experience or witness discrimination, racism, harassment, bullying, or any other form of inappropriate behavior, we refer back to the principles of Safer Space to address the situation. If necessary, we report the incident using the reporting form.
1. Report harassment, discrimination, bullying, or other inappropriate behavior
- Submit a report using the form at the top of this page. If you wish for the matter to be addressed, provide your contact information.
- The report will be received by the harassment contact person at Haaga-Helia. If the parties involved are only students, the case will be directed to the corresponding mediator. If both students and staff members are involved, the harassment contact person and the corresponding mediator collaborate.
2. Turvaamo mediator supporting students
- The corresponding mediator of Haaga-Helia will contact the individual who submitted the report within 5 business days during periods 1-4.
- Each campus has a designated trained mediator.
- The corresponding mediator assesses the possibilities for mediation, and legal obligations, and guides the handling of the case in collaboration with the campus mediator.
- If needed, the case will be addressed in other Haaga-Helia expert groups.
3. Evaluation and implementation of mediation
- Mediation requires that all parties are aware of the process and open to mediation.
- Not all issues can be resolved through mediation (e.g., domestic violence).
4. Follow-up and consequences
- During the mediation process, ensuring that all parties can safely return to the learning community is prioritized.
- The mediator guides the individuals to other services, such as the student psychologist, if necessary.
- Consequences follow the provisions of the degree regulations. (LINKKI)
Five questions of mediation
Haaga-Helia's model for addressing inappropriate behavior is built on the principles of mediation.
What is mediation? It is a conflict resolution model for addressing harassment, bullying, and conflict situations. It is based on the restorative mediation approach, which focuses on finding solutions to move forward rather than assigning blame or determining a single truth. It answers the question: What do we need to continue moving forward?
Why mediation? Mediation is a widely used, researched, and proven model for resolving conflicts. As a byproduct, it enhances the self-efficacy, problem-solving skills, and responsibility of the parties involved. Mediation supports the participants' return to the learning community.
When to mediate? When a student feels the need for support in addressing various harassment, discrimination, bullying, and conflict situations. Mediation can be used if all parties are willing to participate. However, mediation may not be suitable for all situations, such as cases involving domestic violence.
How to engage in mediation practically? Report incidents of inappropriate treatment. You will be contacted within 5 business days during periods 1-4. A trained mediator facilitates the mediation process. For student mediation at Haaga-Helia, Rosa Weckman, the student coach, is responsible. turvaamo (at) haaga-helia.fi Each campus has a trained mediator.
Where does mediation take place? Mediation is ideally conducted through face-to-face meetings when possible.
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and Helga Student Union collaborate in the work against discrimination. You can also contact Helga's harassment contact person (helga.fi) for support.
For more information on addressing harassment, discrimination, and inequality, you can visit the following websites:
• Non- Discrimination Ombudsman (syrjinta.fi)
• Ombudsman for Equality (tasa-arvo.fi)