Haaga-Helia supports Ukraine with a donation
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences is donating 10,000 euros to the victims of the Ukrainian war. The donation will be channeled through Unicef and paid from the investment and business income.

President of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Minna Hiillos, has decided that Haaga-Helia will support the victims of the war in Ukraine with 10,000 euros, which will be allocated through the children's fund Unicef.
According to Hiillos, the donation made through Unicef to the children affected by the war is the least that a Haaga-Helia can do right now. The situation in Ukraine has deeply touched the entire community of Haaga-Helia.
Hiillos says that Haaga-Helia's staff has been really active what comes to the crisis in Ukraine. That's why she would like to thank all the staff members for all their proposals for the support measures.
Haaga-Helia is currently looking forward to how national guidelines for the higher education of Ukrainian refugees will be formed.
Possible scholarships and the opening of the Open University of Applied Sciences to Ukrainians have been discussed.
As an international university of applied sciences, Haaga-Helia has previously suspended its institutional cooperation with Russian partners and strongly condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
In addition, the University of Applied Sciences has emphasized its zero tolerance for racism and discrimination.
The Haaga-Helia university community includes people from almost a hundred different nationalities - including Russians.
Hiillos wants to stress that the members of Haaga-Helia's community are completely innocent of Russia's hostilities in Ukraine.