Experience Economy and Designing Services, Master's Specialisation

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In the Experience Economy and Designing Services specialisation, students use customer understanding to design and develop services and experiences. This specialisation focuses on the study and development of new innovative services and experiences.

Service design creates a solid foundation for service development. In this specialisation, students utilise and practice real-life processes and methods by working on companies’ service design commissions. Many services are produced by service provider networks, which is why the development of customer paths is important in network-like operations as well.

Experience economy is a growing industry that strives to create intangible content and significance to, for example, develop events, customer service, brands or business images and improve customer experience.

For example, students can study the following themes in the specialisation:

  • service design processes and methods
  • development of services in a network
  • production and development of experiences
  • development of brand experience

Experience Economy and Designing Services is a perfect specialisation for people who, for example, work in service business and want to develop customer-oriented services and provide experiences. This specialisation also suits students who are interested in the topic and looking for new career opportunities.

This specialisation provides tools and skills for product development, the innovation of new services and the generation of customer-oriented activities. Potential jobs for an Experience Economy and Designing Services graduate include development manager, service designer and customer experience developer.

Interested in Experience Economy and Designing Services?

Specialisation is available in the following programmes:

More Information about the Specialisation and Master' Studies

Read more about the specialisation courses and the practicalities of Master's Studies.

Person Responsible for the Specialisation

The Master’s specialisations are lead by professionals with a PhD. Their responsibilities include specialisation courses, thesis topics and promotion of networking within the specialisation.

Master's Specialisation

Specialisation is at the heart of Master's degree studies. Master's degree studies consist mostly of specialisation studies and a thesis is based on the specialisation studies. A student’s specialisation also builds the home base for their professional development and networking.

Students choose their specialisation out of the available options at the start of their programme.
