AI-generated content, creative freelance work and hospitality and tourism marketing

Research output: Chapter in Book › Chapter › peer-review

Tekoälyn lukutaito on nousemassa työntekijöiden perusosaamiseksi

ABSTRACT | Powerful new AI models such as OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 or GPT-3 afford creative freelancers as well as hospitality and tourism SMEs new ways of generating and using creative content for marketing purposes. However, given AI’s rapid development, little is known about the current and potential future applications and implications of AI-generated content on the key stakeholders involved in hospitality and tourism marketing management. This conceptual research note presents preliminary ideas from an ongoing research project. Examples of AI models used for marketing content generation are reviewed and potential implications for hospitality and tourism marketing management are discussed from an e-tourism research point of view.

Keywords: platform economy; freelance; marketing; DALL-E 2; GPT-3

Tuomi, A. (2023). AI-generated content, creative freelance work and hospitality and tourism marketing (pp. 323-328). In: B. Ferrer-Rosell, D. Massimo, & K. Berezina (Eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2023. Proceedings of the ENTER 2023 eTourism Conference, January 18–20, 2023. Cham: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-25752-0_35

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