Special needs teachers

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This page describes how Haaga-Helia supports students with learning difficulties or permanent or long-term health challenges that affect their studies.

Have you noticed that, for example, reading, writing, concentrating or starting something feels challenging? Have you been diagnosed with a learning disability? Do you have a permanent or long-term health challenge that affects your studies?

In these situations, contact a special needs teacher to find out if we can help you. We are here for you!

Haaga-Helia special needs teachers’ services

Four special education teachers work on Haaga-Helia campuses and remotely. We offer guidance for learning difficulties, as well as permanent and long-term health challenges. We also give you tips on tools and techniques that make learning easier - and on finding your own strengths.

If you suspect that you may have a learning disability, you can take learning difficulty tests through us (e.g. a dyslexia test). You can turn to us at any stage of your studies. Sometimes learning difficulties only get noticed during the thesis phase. It's never too late to visit us!

If necessary, you are issued a special needs teacher's recommendation for the individual teaching arrangements you benefit from (reasonable adjustments based on the Non-Discrimination Act 1325/2014). You can find the application instructions below in the section "How to apply for a special needs teacher's recommendation".

Contact us if you have

1. Learning difficulties. These may be due to, for example:

  • Dyslexia (difficulty in reading and writing)
  • Difficulties with numbers and mathematics
  • Difficulties with concentrating (for example ADHD)
  • Autism spectrum discorders
  • Difficulties with cognitive processes
  • Sensory hypersensitivity

2. Permanent or long-term health challenges that affect studies include, for example:

  • Mental health challenges (e.g. depression, anxiety, challenges with coping, social fears)
  • Physical limitations
  • Visual or hearing impairment
  • Exceptional situations, where you have the need for a long sick leave (e.g. surgery with several weeks for recovery)

How to apply for a special needs teacher's recommendation

1. Suspicion or statement/certificate:

  • If you suspect that you have a learning difficulty, move on to step 2.
  • If you have a permanent or long-term health challenge that affects your studies, get a doctor's certificate for individual teaching arrangements.
  • If you already have a statement about a learning difficulty or a medical certificate, go to step 2.

2. Meeting

  • Make an appointment with the special needs teacher for your degree. If you have a certificate/statement, bring it with you.
  • At the meeting with the special needs teacher, discuss the factors affecting your study.

3. Recommendation

  • The special needs teacher can write you a recommendation for individual arrangements.
  • The recommendation is entered in the study information system Peppi and you share it with the relevant teachers via Peppi.

Special needs teachers for international students

Book an appointment

Book an appointment with the special needs teacher of your degree. Below a list of special needs teachers per degree.

Sanna Siirilä

Contact info: [email protected], tel. 050 4653518

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