Rosa Weckman: What kind of learner are you right now?

In her column, wellbeing specialist Rosa Weckman considers different perspectives from which student wellbeing can be viewed and promoted.

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This is the question I have asked several groups of students this fall. When asked of a group, that question makes visible the full spectrum of learners in the college community. Some of us shine through motivation and enthusiasm, while others are burdened with their changed life situation or are still looking for their own path. Some find studies easy; others require more resources to internalize courses. Some have a calendar filled with student flights, some work shifts or hobbies, while some have one course meeting per week in their calendar.

We have all started this fall with different backgrounds and different assets. The diversity of students and life situations can be seen both in classroom situations, group work and corridors on campuses, and good so. We all together form that community of higher education in which we work and study.

The image of ourselves as learners contributes a lot to how we face the challenges we face in our studies. It affects what we see our opportunities as and the means we use to achieve our goals. Sometimes a student coach is asked for tips on various puzzles, for example, scheduling. Easy would be to respond by giving a lecture on calendar usage, pomodoro technique or regular sleep rhythm. Instead of tips lists, the answer to a student's challenges can often be found in him or herself. About the thoughts, feelings and assumptions we associate with our studies and ourselves as learners. When aware and encountered, these thoughts, feelings and assumptions are easier to work on either alone or together with a student friend or family member. Sometimes it may also be necessary to mirror these questions with a professional.

This fall, I have particularly delighted the new students and the cheerful speech sensor who have filled the corridor of campuses after a longer quiet life. For many, autumn contains new openings, interesting courses and new study friends. At the same time, I am aware that even this autumn students will return to their studies in different life situations and with different resources. I want to assure you, you're welcome just like that. That's exactly how you are valuable and important.

Haaga-Helia's strength, in my opinion, is the flexibility of planning studies and the spectrum of execution methods. When you are now thinking about yourself as a learner and your future course choices, feel free to make choices that look like yourself. Strive to always find a point of view in the courses that inspires you or moves you forward on your path. It is perfectly understandable and human that a sense of purposefulness can also be misplaced from time to time. You are not alone with your reflections or feelings. We as a higher education want to support you and your ability to study throughout your studies.

What does autumn bring?

Haaga-Helia operates a wide range of professionals to support students' learning ability and well-being. Perhaps the most visible of these is the student's own guidance counselor, who acts as the student's close contact throughout their studies. In addition to this, we have preventive services offering discussion support, university pastors from different campuses and specialized professional teachers. Career and recruitment services also offer support with things like job search and finding internships. A new service that supports students is study coaching. The two new study coaches at Haaga-Helia help graduate students who have begun to decline in their studies a little longer. All welfare operats' work descriptions contact details can be found both at this address.

New winds are also blowing from the project world. The Student Wellness Project SOLE is launching a variety of mentoring programs this academic year, of which compassion mentoring is outlined in this letter. In addition, through the project, students will be offered free first beat measurements and supportive wellness coaching.

On the Haaga-Helia campuses, student wellbeing will be visible in a variety of ways during the coming month. 3.10 will begin the Helga-organised wellbeing approacties, through which you can get acquainted with the services of your own campus. 10.10 is World Mental Health Day, when welfare operators take over Haaga-Helia's instagram and keep the theme of mental health on display on campuses.

Your well-being on the matter,

Rosa Weckman
Study Coach, Study Wellbeing

Study Coach
+358 294471458