Graduates from Haaga-Helia's first Master studies to Pretoria

In the autumn of 2019, Haaga-Helia launched the first Master of Education Management program to South Africa. A graduation will be celebrated in June 2021.

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Nearly thirty participants from Tshwane University of Technology have studied pedagogical and HR management, strategy and financial management. Pandemic changed somewhat the way Master studies are implemented, but now most studies are in the final course or decision.

The program was carried out as a co-implementation of Haaga-Helia. — As the coordinator of the program, I would like to thank everyone involved in the program for their excellent work and phenomenal flexibility in the face of sudden challenges. The feedback I have received from students has been excellent, says project manager Jari Luomakoski from Haaga-Helia.

TUT University, where teacher training has been exported in the past, is a long-standing partner of Haaga-Helia. A continuation of Master studies as an educational export is potentially forthcoming. It is planned to start a new similar implementation in the autumn of 2021 in Pretoria, as well as the program, for example, to China.
