Tourism marketing in coastal areas of low density: Center of Portugal region

Research output: Contribution to journal › Long abstract › peer-review

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ABSTRACT | The main objective of this work is to identify marketing strategies that allow the development of new tourism offers in coastal areas with low population density. Its main premise is that new forms of governance are the foundation of the strategies for the development of destinations and that these types of destinations can be developed and managed in a clear and effective way by creating a brand that unifies them.

Keywords: tourism in coastal areas; low population density; marketing; brand/branding; Center of Portugal

Ascenção, M. P., Ramos, D., & Costa, C. (2017). Marketing turístico em zonas costeiras de baixa densidade: Região Centro de Portugal. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento (Journal of Tourism & Development), 27/28, 141-143. URL:

Mário Passos
principal lecturer
+358 294471195