Audits and international accreditations


National audits

Haaga-Helia’s quality label

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences is obliged by the UAS Act to maintain a quality system, i.e. to systematically develop its own operations. This involves an external audit, in which an external audit team will evaluate our operations. In accordance with national higher education policy guidelines, Haaga-Helia was audited for the third time in 2023.

Audit was arranged by The Finnish Education Evaluation CentreFINEEC and the audit team was international. The audit team will examine whether our development measures are appropriate, what methods we use to develop our operations and quality, and what impact the development will have. They will also examine whether we are working together with our higher education community and external stakeholders.

Haaga-Helia passed the audit. FINEEC report and the related audit manual. Quality label is valid for six years (until 2029). More information about The Finnish Education Evaluation Center FINEEC.

Top-athlete-friendly higher education institute audit

In 2023, Haaga-Helia is participating in an audit organised in accordance with the assessment model of the Top-athlete-friendly higher education institute. The aim of the quality work of top-athlete-friendly higher education institutes is to improve the conditions for athletes to complete higher education studies in such a way that they support their development and aims in sports. This is achieved by identifying and recognising those universities and universities of applied sciences that meet the quality factors defined for a top athlete-friendly higher education institute and want to develop the dual career of athletes in cooperation with a sports academy.

Haaga-Helia has provided the self-assessment report (only in Finnish) to the audit team and the audit visit was in May 2023. Results of the audit are available in autumn 2023.

International accreditations

We are a member in AACSB

In February 2011, Haaga-Helia was accepted as a member of AACSB (the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Our goal is to develop the quality system and quality in such a way that we pass the AACSB accreditation. Accreditation is important because of the partners and cooperation parties, who in the future will increasingly demand an independent party's assurance of Haaga-Helia's quality.

AACSB was founded in the United States in 1916 and has more than 500 members in more than 30 countries. The association accredits higher education institutions in the commercial field (business & accounting), and Haaga-Helia is applying for accreditation for the business administration as a whole and for those degrees that include the amount of business administration required by AACSB. More information on AACSB. 

We are preparing for EFMD accreditation

In 2013, Haaga-Helia was accepted as a member of EFMD (the European Foundation for Management Development). The goal is to get EFMD accreditation for International Business programme and later EQUIS (EFMD Quality Improvement System) accreditation for business education.

Founded in 1972, EFMD has previously focused on the accreditation of European higher education institutions, but has expanded its activities especially to America and Asia. There are more than 996 members from 90 countries (the real-time member register can be seen on EFMD's website). Learn more about EFMD.

We achieved THE-ICE accreditation

The International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education was established in 2004 by the Australian Federal Government to develop benchmarks and promote excellence in tourism, hospitality and events (TH&E). Since becoming a not-for-profit organisation in 2008, THE-ICE has developed into a global organisation for accreditation, benchmarking, and quality enhancement in tourism, hospitality, events and culinary arts (TH&E) education.

Degree programme in Hospitality, Tourism and Experience Management received THE-ICE Committed to Quality (C2Q) certificate in 2021 and became the first Finnish accredited member of THE-ICE (The International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education) .

We received ICCE Full Endorsement

The International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) awarded the Degree Programme in Sports Coaching and Management (SPOCMA) an internationally unique quality endorsement. Haaga-Helia is the first to receive the Full Endorsement in Europe and the second in the world. Degree Programme received an excellent 85% success rate in the evaluation.