Apply for regranting of study entitlement (Professional Teacher Education)


Lead paragraph

Application for regranting of study entitlement for Professional Teacher Education students whose study right has expired.

NB The instructions and contact information on this page are for the students in the Professional Teacher Education. If you are a degree student, please see the instructions for degree students on regranting of study entitlement.

Please check if your study right is still valid:

  • If your study right is still valid but about to expire, you should apply for an extension of study time
  • If your study right has expired, you can apply for regranting of study entitlement on the e-form. Receiving an approved decision on regranting of study entitlement is not automatic. The decision is made by the competence area director of teacher education. According to the Government decree (1440/2014), a handling fee of 50 EUR is applicable. More information on this page.
  • NB a student who has resigned of their own accord should apply through the application process to professional teacher education institutions.

Study right expired due to not finishing the studies

According to section 32 of the Universities of Applied Sciences Act (932/2014), students who have started their studies on 1 August 2015 or thereafter, and who have not finished their studies during the timeframe of their study entitlement or during a discretionary extension of the study entitlement, may apply to have their study entitlement regranted without taking part in the student admissions procedure. The decision on regranting the study entitlement is made by the competence area director of teacher education. The student may be asked to provide further clarifications to support the decision on regranting the study entitlement. The study entitlement may be regranted for a maximum of two semesters. A student whose study entitlement has been regranted does not have the right to register as non-attending nor the possibility to apply for a discretionary extension of the study entitlement. (Haaga-Helia degree regulations chapter 2, section 1.)

Note! Students whose study right has begun before 1 August 2015 apply through the student selection, through the application process to professional teacher education institutions. 

Study right expired due to not having enrolled to a new study group

A student who has lost their study entitlement due to not having enrolled to a new study group or not registering as absent may apply to the competence area director of teacher education to have their study entitlement regranted without participating in the student admissions procedure (Act 325/2015, section 32). The application is subject to a handling fee of 50 EUR in accordance with the Decree (1440/2014, section 3). (Haaga-Helia degree regulations 11§.)

Note! Students whose study right has begun before 1 August 2015 apply through the student selection, through the application process to professional teacher education institutions. 

Important instructions for filling in the application

According to the Government decree (1440/2014), a handling fee of 50 EUR is applicable. NB your application will not be dealt with if you haven't paid the handling fee. If you haven't informed a clear plan on how and when to finish your studies on the application, it is as a rule a reason to reject the application. The handling fee is non-refundable.

The student needs to have a clear plan on how and when to finish their studies before filling in the application. Before you fill in the application, please authenticate with online banking credentials or mobile certificate through the e-identification service. After the authentication, you can continue to the application.

The handling fee will be paid right after you have filled in the application. In case you do not have online banking credentials, please contact the Study Services. NB the system logs off automatically after a set period of inactivity, so please pay the handling fee right after you have filled in the application. NB after the payment, please wait 3 seconds and return to the E-form. It happens automatically within 3 seconds, so don't close the browser or click the 'Back' button during that time. If you don't return to the E-form, the payment is incomplete.

You will receive an automatic e-mail after you have completed the application. After submitting the application there is a possibility to give feedback on the E-form.


Application period

In the autumn semester, the application form is open as of the first working day of August until 3 November. In the spring semester, the application form is open as of the first working day of January until 24 May.

Former students at the Professional Teacher Education who would like to apply for regranting of study entitlement should first contact the competence area director of teacher education ([email protected]) to discuss about the stage of their studies and their study plan. 

  • A student who has already completed the peer group activities may apply regranting of study entitlement flexibly during the above-mentioned application periods.
  • A student who has to participate in the peer group activities beginning in mid-May must submit the application by the end of March.

The applications are processed in four weeks, taking public holidays into account.

Application form

Application for regranting of study entitlement

Contact information