Norms to be observed and appeal proceedings

Relevant legislation

Haaga-Helia’s operations are governed by the Act on Studies in Universities of Applied Sciences (932/2014) (in Finnish) and Decree (1129/2014) (in Finnish).

Degree regulations

Haaga-Helia’s degree regulations provide more information on the degree’s provided, the degree programmes, participation in classroom learning, student assessment, retakes and transfer of credit. 

Degree Regulations (pdf) has been adopted at the meeting of the Collegiate Body of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Ltd on 11 March 2024 and come into effect on 1 August 2024.

Assessment of partial course completions and grade rectification

Students’ attainment of course objectives in degree programmes is assessed based on different types of learning assignments, exams and other demonstrations. Successful course completion requires the learning performances specified in the course description. On justified grounds, the course lecturer may exempt individual students from attendance at contact teaching sessions.

Students' performance is graded on the following scale: Excellent (5), Very good (4), Good (3), Satisfactory (2), Fair (1), Fail (0). If there are strong grounds for doing so, a performance can be marked as completed (suoritettu S), approved (hyväksytty H) or adjusted (mukautettu M).
(Degree Regulations, 6 §)

Students have the right to review any work they have submitted for a course, and also any exams. Such work is filed for a six month period after a grade has been published.

A student dissatisfied with a course assessment or a decision on a credit transfer application may request, verbally or in writing, re-assessment from the lecturer who carried out the assessment or the person who made the credit transfer decision. Such requests for correction must be submitted no later than 14 days after the student has had the opportunity to receive the decision in question, including the grounds for it.

Examination board

The student who is not satisfied with a request for correction, i.e. involving grades or credit receipt for studies completed elsewhere, can submit in writing a claim for rectification to Haaga-Helia’s Examination Board no later than 14 days after the student has received the decision.

Rectification cannot be sought for decisions made by the Examination Board.

Written appeals must be addressed to the Examination Board and submitted to the chairperson of the Examination Board.

The Examination Board’s chairman and members are named by The Board of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Ldt. The Examination Board comprises a chairman, who is to be a head teacher at the university, as well as two members of whom one is also to be a teacher at the university.

The members of the Examination Board are from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026:

  • Juha P. Lindstedt, Chairman (Juha Olava, Vice-Chairman)
  • Teacher member Pekka Heikkilä (deputy member Tanja Vesala-Varttala)
  • Student member Kaisa Maria Manner (deputy member Tuomas Martti) nominated by Helga.

Rectification for loss of the right to study

A student who has lost the right to study may seek rectification for this from the Board of the University of Applied Sciences within 14 days from the moment the student has received notification of this.

A student who is not satisfied with the Board’s decision can seek rectification of this from the Administrative Court in which the student's university of applied sciences resides.

Rectification requests submitted to the Board are to be delivered to the address as follows:

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Head of Study Affairs Airi Hirvonen
Ratapihantie 13
00520 Helsinki