Double degree programme


Lead paragraph

Completing a double degree programme means that you complete 1- 1½ years (60-90 ECTS) of your studies in a selected partner institution abroad. You will obtain two degrees when graduating: one from Haaga-Helia and one from the partner institution.

Double degree students acquire deeper experience from business environments, better cross-cultural communication and language skills, a wider professional network, and stronger competitive advantages in the European job markets.  

In most cases, a student must have completed at least three semesters at Haaga-Helia prior to departure. Remember to check the correct timing with your degree programme.


If you plan to apply for a double degree programme or want more information, check the contact person given in the table below.


Double degree partner institutions

Country​Institution​Programme​Language of instructionLength​Contact person
​Austria​IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems​RESTO, EXPER, STEM​English 2 semesters​Taina Pallonen
AustriaMCI Management Center InnsbruckINTBBAEnglish2 semestersAnne Simpson
FranceIESEG School of ManagementINTBBAEnglish 2 semestersAnne Simpson
​GermanyHarz University of Applied SciencesINTBBA, TRALI​English (German) 2 semestersAnne Simpson
​GermanyReutlingen University (ESB Business School)INTBBA​English 3 semestersAnne Simpson
GermanyMunich University of Applied SciencesTRALIEnglish2 semestersRia-Marika Heiska, Sirpa Bode
​LatviaRISEBA University of Applied SciencesINTBBA, TRALI​English 2 semestersSirpa BodeAnu Järvinen, Anne Simpson
​Switzerland​HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western SwitzerlandTRATI, ITBBA​English (French) 2 semestersLiila Mäntylä Peuralinna
More information about the programmes

Double Degree Opportunity for Master of Business Administration Students

A double degree programme is offered in partnership between Haaga-Helia and Management Center Innsbruck | The Entrepreneurial School®, Austria. Upon completion, you'll be awarded a Master of Business Administration from Haaga-Helia and a Master of Arts in Business from MCI. The programme includes a mandatory international exchange (one semester from March to July) at MCI, Austria.

More information about the Double Degree Programme in Business Technologies and Management, Master of Business Administration.

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