(Re-)Startup Pre-Incubator Program

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The Pre-Incubator Program offers growth and business development training for participants

The 12-week pre-incubator program is suitable for entrepreneurial people who need help developing or renovating their own business. You can apply with your own business idea from which you want to develop a working company. The pre-incubator program is also well-suited for developing existing businesses, either through a spin-off or growth-oriented business renewal.

Pre-incubator program in a nutshell

  • 12-week pre-incubator program
  • Three courses, total 15 ECTS
  • Online lectures on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. The schedule of the personal coaching sessions is agreed on an individual basis.
  • In addition to the online lectures and coaching two Boot Camp days will be held at the Pasila Campus.
  • The program includes facilitated learning, team coaching, independent development of your own business model, and networking events.
  • Participants become part of StartUp School's entrepreneurial network and get networking opportunities through the City of Helsinki's campus incubator ecosystem.
  • At the end of the program, a Demo Day will be held, where participants will have the opportunity to present their business ideas.

Apply to the program

Application period to the pre-incubator program is currently closed. Note:only application forms filled in Finnish will be accepted, as the program is held in Finnish. 

Are you interested in the pre-incubator program?

Application period for the pre-incubator program is currently closed. Please feel free to contact StartUp School for more information on the next implementations. Note: The program and the application process are currently available only in Finnish.
