

In the PasilaHUB project, new consumer business concepts will be developed and tested in collaboration with businesses, habitants and students of Pasila area in Helsinki.

Business-to-Consumer companies need to develop new concepts and services because of the changes in commerce and in consumers’ behavior.

PasilaHUB project has three main objectives:

  1. To activate Pasila area’s business ecosystem and make it visible
  2. To create business concepts and renew Pasila area’s consumer business
  3. To build consumer business competence hub


Project manager: Tuija Toivola
Duration: 10/2020-12/2023
Partners: Metropolia UAS, VR, Messukeskus, Mall of Tripla, Sokos Hotel Tripla, Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, Forum Virium, Business College Helsinki
Funding: City of Helsinki innovation fund, Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce
