Summer Study Sessions on Teams

Study sessions that support concentration and productivity will continue during the summer on Teams.

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In the study session, we work on our own tasks using the Pomodoro technique. In the Pomodoro technique, work is divided into 25 minutes of focused study followed by a 5-minute break. Segmenting the work helps to concentrate and work more efficiently. You don't need to know the technique beforehand; we provide easy instructions at the beginning of the session.

You can come with course assignments, thesis work, or any task that requires independent work. Haaga-Helia's Study Coach Jenni and Study Psychologist Anna T. will be present to time the work and offer study tips if needed.

Sessions remotely on Teams:

Tue 4.6 at 10-12
Tue 18.6 at 10-12
Tue 25.6 at 10-12
Tue 6.8 at 10-12
Tue 13.8 at 10-12

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