Special needs teachers help with long-term learning or health challenges

Are you facing challenges in your studies? Haaga-Helia's special needs teachers offer guidance for learning challenges and persistent and long-term health challenges.

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Haaga-Helia has four special needs teachers on all campuses and remotely. We have updated our special education services pages to make them clearer, based on feedback from students and Helga.

On the updated website, you can find information about the services of our special needs teachers if you face challenges in learning or have long-term health conditions that affect your studies. There is also a guide on how to apply for a recommendation from a special needs teacher for individualised teaching arrangements, if necessary.

Take the low-threshold approach to contacting a special needs teacher. Special needs teachers can also give you tips on tools and techniques to help you learn and discover your strengths.

Read more on the Special needs teachers page