Carbon neutral Haaga-Helia by 2030
Sustainability is a strategic choice in Haaga-Helia. In addition to our new strategy, sustainability is becoming more visible also in our everyday lives, from teaching to reducing our energy consumption.

We aim to reduce our consumption of electricity, water, and heating energy as well as waste on all Haaga-Helia’s five campuses. Our carbon footprint is approximately 2 500 tons of which 80% consists of energy consumption. Regarding environmental sustainability, Haaga-Helia is the only higher education institution that has set a goal of becoming carbon neutral and created a road map to support it.
Haaga-Helia has joined the Environmental Commitment of Finnish Chamber of Commerce, where educational institutions commit to becoming carbon neutral by the year 2030. One concrete example of our commitment is installing solar panels on our Porvoo campus. They produce 50 MWh of electricity each year.
Haaga-Helia is also the only Finnish higher education institution committed to the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), that aim to develop business education and research to correspond the sustainable development goals.
Sustainable commuting
In Haaga-Helia, we will pay increasing attention to the commuting of our students and staff. We will organise campaigns and training courses, and share information about more eco-friendly choices. The goal is that all commuting to work or studies would be done by public transportation, biking, or walking.