Imam Dastakeer considers studying has not only increased his knowhow and skills in the business field, but also his self-knowledge.
Imam Dastakeer’s journey from Sri Lanka to Finland has been quite a successful one – replete with growth, learning and remarkable opportunities. He is currently working for a Finnish software start up company, and finalizing his Leading Business Transformation master’s studies at Haaga-Helia.
“I’m really passionate about business growth through technology”, says Dastakeer. “My line of work consists mostly of exploring digital business possibilities, contributing to tech-driven growth. At the same time, I’m deepening my knowledge on these fields by studying at Haaga-Helia.”
Prior to these positions Dastakeer already had a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. In addition, he has previously worked for example in a bank and as a team leader for a US based company. He says a lot of his career has been about handling relations.
“I’ve been, among other things, working closely with customers providing reports, coordinating with cross financial teams and also doing performance evaluation for team members”, Dastakeer explains. “But not only until I started my studies and got into group projects at Haaga-Helia did I realize I’m really good with people. It’s something that comes naturally to me, but it can be nourished and developed into a skill benefitting me in my working- and personal life.”
Imam Dastakeer’s path with Haaga-Helia crossed in a way similar to many other students/alumni.
”A friend of mine was talking about Haaga-Helia. I checked out the curriculum and found this master’s degree program very interesting and suitable for my needs”, says Dastakeer.
The Leading Business Transformation master’s degree graduates will be able to implement change projects and lead the transformation of their organisation toward achieving its higher competitive advantage in a flux, global and international business environment.
Studying alongside working, Imam Dastakeer praises the university for flexibility and encouragement when it comes to customizing one’s degree and combining different courses. He names Digital Service Design course with its group project as one of his personal highlights during studies so far.
“Once you’ve enrolled to a study program, independency and creativity are highly encouraged” says Dastakeer. “Yet, if you’re in need of guidance, there’s always help available – for example the mentorship programs have benefitted many of my fellow students.”
Imam Dastakeer plans to graduate by early 2025. However, he is already considering taking on more studies – maybe even going for another degree – chasing a childhood dream.
“I’ve always loved video games, and my dream is to work for the game industry some day! I don’t think my technical skills are adequate at the moment though, so some more studies are required for that.”
On the other hand, Dastakeer is perfectly content with his current situation. “Looking at my skills, experience and competences, this is where I should be right now.”
This goes for geological location as well – for now Imam Dastakeer is happily residing in Finland, banning the stereotype of Finns.
“I don’t think Finns are that withdrawn, though surely you have to do your part to get to know them. But if you have an open mind and a sincere attitude and especially if you share interest, I’d say it’s relatively easy to make friends and acquaintances here.”
“There are so many opportunities, so take a chance on them. I would even encourage you to take risks and experiment with new things while studying since Haaga-Helia offers a safe environment to test your ideas, even make so-called mistakes and learn from them.”