BITE and ITBBA Thesis instructions
BITE Thesis
Before starting the thesis (latest in same period when thesis starts), you must complete the course THE7TF910 Research Process (BITE) course, which gives you the skills to do the thesis.
In addition to that, the thesis includes compulsory study course THE7TF900 Thesis seminar and workshop where the thesis work begins.
Moodle implementation: Thursday at 2 to 4.30 p.m. online/teams common information sessions for all participants (timetable in Moodle). The course includes also seminars where you present your nearly finished thesis (about 70% finished) and peer-evaluate another student's work at the same time.
The workshops are organized by Pierantonio Silvani.
The thesis and Haaga-Helia's common instructions apply to the program-specific instructions. Please note that all the essential instructions for BITE implementations and essential schedules are found on the Moodle site used in the thesis workshop!
ITBBA thesis
Before the start of the thesis (or at the latest at the same time as the start), you complete the Research and Development Skills ANA001HH1AE (5 ECTS) study course, which prepares you for doing the thesis and at the end of which you submit a topic proposal to Wihi. After topic submission you are automatically registered for Thesis, phase 1, 2 and 3, separate registration is therefore not necessary:
- You will get a supervisor for your thesis when your topic proposal has been approved, and a project space will open for you in Wihi, where you schedule your thesis and where all feedback will be sent.
- The thesis, phase 1 -moodle site is shared with the thesis workshop Thursday at 2– 4.30 p.m. online/Teams, common information attacks for all participants (timetable in moodle).
In addition, you will receive small group and/or individual guidance from your supervisor and you will make a thesis plan that your supervisor will approve.
- Thesis, phase 2 is building the theoretical framework of the thesis, choosing methods, implementing the project, and reporting, you will be supported by your supervisor, and, in addition, various support workshops as needed.
Thesis, at the end of phase 2, agree to attend the seminar with your supervisor. In the seminar, you will present your own thesis (about 70% ready) and at the same time peer evaluate another student's work. The seminar is on Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m. on Moodle (course key: seminar).
- Thesis, in step 3, you complete your thesis and submit it for evaluation. You will also complete a maturity test and publish your finished thesis in Theseus.
The workshops are organized by:
1st semester Juhani Heikkinen and Pierantonio Silvani
2nd semester Pierantonio Silvani.