Four people from behind, one of them is showing the rock'n'roll salute

Ulysseus European University

Ulysseus is one of the 50 European university alliances whose goal is to impact the future of European higher education and research.

Ulysseus began its operations at the end of 2020, and its second four-year funding period started in November 2023. Ulysseus has created a long-term strategy for 10 years and the objective is to guarantee the continuation of the activities after the funding periods.

Ulysseus European University aims to:

  • Raise the quality of higher education in the EU
  • Increase the attractiveness of European higher education institutions e.g. by offering joint degrees and several internationalization possibilities for the whole university community.
  • Strengthen digitalization and collaboration between educational institutions
  • Offer students and staff free mobility between eight different universities.

The project involves developing new joint and double bachelor and master degrees as well as innovative research projects. Each of the eight partner universities has its own leadership responsibilities.

Haaga-Helia will lead the joint education, including degrees and joint courses, as well as the pedagogical work package from 2023 to 2027. Additionally, it will further develop the innovation hub related to applied artificial intelligence initiated in the first phase.

Ulysseus European University

Project director at Haaga-Helia: Kitte Marttinen

Funding: Erasmus+

Partners: 2023–2027

Partners: University of Cote d'Azur (France), University of Genoa (Italy),  Management Center Innsbruck (Austria), Technical University of Koŝice (Slovakia), University of Seville, consortium coordinator (Spain), University of Münster (Germany), University of Montenegro (Montenegro)

Projektijohtaja, Ulysseus
Project Director
+358 294471334