Guidance Counselling, Master's Degree

Haaga-Helia partneriyhteistyö

Lead paragraph

Guidance counsellors primarily provide advising for Master’s level students.

Every Master student has an assigned guidance counsellor according to their specialisation. Guidance counsellors guide students in the preparation of a personal study plan (PSP), the timing of studies and questions related to the completion of studies. You can contact your guidance counsellor by email and it is possible to request an appointment with the guidance counsellor. You can find you guidance counsellor's name in your student information (in Peppi) and the contact information can be found on Contact information, Master's Degree webpage.

In Master thesis related issues you may contact the head of your specialisation. Later on you will get your own thesis supervisor.

Students of Open University of Applied Sciences are advised by Katriina Haverinen, [email protected].

The Haaga-Helia guidance model describes the main principles and practices of study guidance at the Haaga-Helia level. 

The Personal Study Plan, i.e. PSP

The Personal Study Plan, i.e. PSP, is the most important tool for counselling. The PSP is used for the student to plan and construct their personal studies in their entirety and communicate it to the counsellor. The counsellor will verify that the PSP is in accordance with the degree structure. 

You can only be selected for courses during primary selection if the course has been recorded and approved in the PSP. The PSP counsellor will approve the study plan once a year.

You will find good instructions for updating your PSP on Peppi.

Special Needs Support

Have you been diagnosed with a learning difficulty? Do you think that you might have a learning difficulty which causes special challenges e.g. in reading, writing or concentration?

Special needs teachers at Haaga-Helia support students with dyslexia, or other learning difficulties. When needed, special needs teachers can write a statement about special needs arrangements.

If you need special needs support, please contact Sanna Siirilä (Guidance Counsellor, Special Needs Teacher): [email protected]