Upcoming events of Wellbeing services
Kickstart your semester at webinars and workshops of wellbeing services. Here are the upcoming events:

Webinar: Where does my time go? 25.2 klo 17-17:45
Webinar for students who want to dive into the core of time management from the perspectives of values, prioritization, and motivation. Join us if you want to gain a sense of control over your studies and make better use of your time to advance the things that really matter to you. Read more and sign up here!
Study sessions: Concentrate and get stuff done every other Tuesday
Welcome to study sessions to focus and get things done! Study sessions are held in Teams every other Tuesday starting from 4.2. at 4pm-6pm. Read more and sign up here!
Upcoming study sessions:
18.2 klo. 16-18
4.3 klo. 16-18
18.3 klo. 16-18
1.4 klo. 16-18