Peppi’s service break has ended
Peppi’s service break has now ended and the system should be functioning normally. Plugins, such as Study guide, Tuudo and Wihi are also in use again.
The following changes have been made to Peppi in the update

Assessment history
In the Studies -view, you can see the changes made to your assessment, such as corrections to the assessment and re-assessments https://mynet.haaga-helia.fi/group/pakki/opintosuoritusten-tarkastelu
Changes to Enrolment pages in the PSP https://mynet.haaga-helia.fi/group/pakki/toteutukselle-ilmoittautuminen
In the view, enrolments are divided under different headings (Active course units, Past course units)
Added new time of course to the view
Added to display all study Status icons to the view
Added ability to sort data to the view
Accessibility improvements, such as:
In PSP`s Scheduling -tab, various functions can also be performed with the keyboard https://mynet.haaga-helia.fi/group/pakki/opintojen-ajoittaminen
You can use an alternative list view in the reservation calendar, where the reservations are listed by day without a calendar. The list view is more accessible with both a keyboard and a screen reader. Instructions: https://mynet.haaga-helia.fi/group/pakki/kalenterin-listan%C3%A4kym%C3%A4-saavutettavuus-
The Group description -tab is no longer visible in the PSP