International inclusive aviation project INCLAVI kicked off last Friday
Inclusive Aviation project INCLAVI’s kick-off at iGA İstanbul Airport brought together five different countries, and eight brilliant partners all for one important cause - to make the European Commission’s ambitious vision of accessible travel become finally a reality.
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences launched in 2018 the preparations of an EU project of accessibility in aviation to build a top-level consortium of industry partners, universities, and vocational schools.
After countless hours of preparation, INCLAVI: Inclusive Aviation was born in 2022 as an Erasmus+ project to address skills mismatches in aviation to advance the freedom of movement of persons with disabilities.
Last Friday, eight partners gathered to kick-off the project and celebrate the best practices at iGA İstanbul Airport and got the project rolling.
According to the project’s manager Namrata Sethi from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, it was essential to meet face-to-face to set the momentum of the project.
Sethi believes it makes a huge difference when people can gather together and learn to know each other because it gives a better understanding of the people you work with and about different cultures.
— It is truly amazing to see how much has already been achieved in such a short time. I believe that great things will follow, she says.
And so does everyone else included in the project.
INCLAVI is destined to change aviation
Inclusive aviation project INCLAVI, which started in September 2022, aims to address the inconsistencies in the training of current and future aviation professionals, that relate to competencies and skills necessary to enable smooth journeys for all air travelers, no matter what their special conditions or disabilities may be.
INCLAVI is funded by the Erasmus + Programme and will be implemented in the years 2022–2025.
The main goal of the project is to develop a curriculum and training materials for the personnel of aviation stakeholders to ensure their knowledge, competencies, and skills necessary in the service of passengers with disabilities.
The project is led by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Other partners are iGA İstanbul Airport, International Air Transport Association (IATA), Yaşar Üniversitesi, Özyeğin University, Breda University of Applied Sciences, Careeria European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT), and European Comission.