Game Developer — we are seeking offers for Creative Skills from Applied Games project

The project will expand the game training offered by UACs from entertainment games to applied games. We are now seeking offers for three prototypes.

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The goal of Creative Skills from Applied Games is to implement three prototypes based on student team concepts. The concepts have been made in cooperation with customer companies. The goal is for prototypes to include the core loop functionality of the concepts so that they can be tested with customers.

Prototype descriptions

  • Exerium

    • A prototype of a motion-controlled VR game core loop. The goal is to use the prototype to showcase the use of the app to funders and sponsors (advancement, data collection, and advertising opportunities).
  • Gymrail

    • A prototype of 2-3 views of a gamified application and related functions. The goal is to use the prototype to showcase the use of the app to funders and sponsors (advancement, data collection, and advertising opportunities).
  • Babytrail

  • A prototype of 2-3 views of a gamified application and related functions. The goal is to use the prototype to showcase the use of the app to funders and sponsors (advancement, data collection, and advertising opportunities).

We are looking for an offer to develop these prototypes (POC, MVP). The offer must include all costs included in the development cooperation (including the implementation of prototypes and maintenance during the project, as well as delivery). The budget is € 2000 + VAT24% per prototype.

Please respond to this invitation to tender by 4.3.2022. All bids will be evaluated by the steering group no later than March 11, 2022.

Contact / additional information:

The selection criteria are the overall economic advantage, the criteria for which, in addition to the price, are: 1) the references of the prototypes made 2) the documentation left to the customer 3) the required technical know-how

Creative skills from Applied Games is funded by Sustanable growth and employment — EU Stuctural Fund program 2014-2020

