FSHS newsletter: New student, welcome to FSHS!

The FSHS provides students with support for well-being and health. FSHS services are available to you when you have registered to be present for the autumn semester, which starts on 1.8.2021. Read more or watch a video on our website.

YTHS Haaga-Helia
News article


The FSHS provides students with support for well-being and health. FSHS services are available to you when you have registered to be present for the autumn semester, which starts on 1.8.2021. Read more or watch an video on our website (fshs.fi)

The healthcare fee for students in higher education, which is paid to Kela, covers all services at the FSHS. Please remember to pay it for both the fall and spring semesters to Kela on your own initiative. Up-to-date information connected to the fee can be found on Kela´s website.

Tools for good mental health from Mental Health First Aid courses. During autumn 2022, FSHS will organize more than 30 mental health first aid courses for students at universities and applied sciences and staff in higher education all over Finland. Read about the experiences of those who took the course

Teija Kulmala appointed FSHS Medical Director. Teija Kulmala D.Med.Sc., Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, took up her duties as the FSHS’s new Medical Director on 8 August 2022. Kulmala will be responsible for FSHS services, developing service production and for reporting. Read more