Strong skills in teaching methods and techniques

Jaime De Vizcaya has a background as a designer and entrepreneur. Now De Vizcaya has achieved a vocational teacher’s degree.

Jaime De Vizcaya
Alumni Testimonials

By education, I am a MA in Product Design and I've worked as a Designer at Aarikka company, Program Director at Raffles Design College, Shanghai, and also as an entrepreneur in my own company.

I needed to update my knowledge in higher education teaching methodologies and I heard of the good reputation of Haaga-Helia teacher education. Therefore I decided to cross my fingers and apply! Happily, I was accepted among many other applicants.

Studying at Haaga-Helia School of Vocational Teacher Education was really great and I learned a lot from the studies. In addition, the study group was very multicultural and multidisciplinary. Studies included various kinds of lectures with different education specialists, as well as independent studies and teamwork. One memorable experience from my studies is the teaching practice that I completed in Spain. It was such a great experience!

When I am teaching design in Spanish, I find it quite useful to implement some of the methods I learned during my studies and I am still applying them during my lectures.

Currently, I work as a Lecturer at Guangdong University of Technology in China. Haaga-Helia teacher education has provided many useful skills for work, among which strong skills in various teaching methods and techniques.

The vocational teacher programme is meant for enthusiastic students with collaboration skills. I encourage future students to give their most trustful and positive attitude to the programme. Patience and perseverance will be needed too!