Advisory Board of School of Professional Teacher Education


Lead paragraph

Advisory Board is part of Haaga-Helia School of Professional Teacher Education. It aims at developing Teacher Education, Further Education, Research and Development and prepare matters concerning vocational teacher education for the Board of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.

Advisory Board is also a channel to communicate with stakeholders of the university.

There are 13 members in Advisory Board in addition to the chairman. Members present industry, organizers of education, academies and vocational teacher education.

One member of Advisory Board represents students. Actual member has one personal deputy. The term of office of student members is 1.8.2023–31.7.2024. Advisory Board gathers 4 times per year. The working language of the Advisory Board is Finnish.

Members of Advisory Board 

Members of industry 

  • Neuvottelukunnan puheenjohtaja, Maria Sarkkinen, rehtori, Stadin ammatti- ja aikuisopisto
  • Kalle Juuti, apulaisprofessori, Helsingin yliopisto
  • Jiri Lallimo, project manager, Aalto-yliopisto
  • Veli-Matti Lamppu, toimitusjohtaja, AMKE ry
  • Katri Ojasalo, vararehtori, Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu                     
  • Minna Ström, kehittämisjohtaja, Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia
  • Lauri Vaara, pedagoginen asiantuntija, Nuorten yrittäjyys ja talous NYT
  • Marja Vartiainen, osaamispalvelupäällikkö, Vantaan ammattiopisto Varia

Representatives of student (2024–2025)

  • Johanna Stenros
  • Mia Blanc (deputy)

Haaga-Helia representatives

Teacher members 

  • Petja Sairanen, Lecturer, School of Professional Teacher Education
  • Taina Laivola, Lecturer, School of Professional Teacher Education (deputy)

Representatives of Management

  • Crister Nyberg, CEO, Haaga-Helia School of Professional Teacher Education 
  • Mika Saranpää, Head of Education, Haaga-Helia School of Professional Teacher Education

Secretary of Advisory Board

Karin Nieminen, Executive Assistant, Haaga-Helia School of Professional Teacher Education

Memos of the Advisory Board meetings (in Finnish).