Lead paragraph
Through our recruitment site, you can offer Haaga-Helia students job offers, work placement and thesis topics etc.
As an employer, you get to create, edit, view and delete the advert. However, Haaga-Helia’s Career and Recruiting Service approve and publish each announcement separately. Announcements are published in 1-2 working days and they are visible only to Haaga-Helia students
Instructions for using Jobteaser
- If you forget your password, you can order a new password. Link to instructions.
- The employer creates the announcement (text, images, videos, etc.) under “Add a new job ad”.
- After completing at least all the mandatory sections, the announcement goes to Haaga-Helia’s Career and Recruiting Services for approval.
- Haaga-Helia Career and Recruitment Services accepts and publishes the announcement or, if needed, sends it back with a modification request.
- When the announcement expires, it is no longer visible to students, but it can be edited and used again. After the announcement is expired, it closes automatically.
Additional information and inquiries: urajarekrypalvelut(at)haaga-helia.fi