The overarching ambition of LeadVET is to enhance vocational teacher education (VTE) and vocational education and training (VET) by developing sustainable university-school partnerships, together with leadership and networking skills for professionals in the field.
Within VET, the connection between educational and occupational practices is crucial, as VET teachers work at the intersection of these practices.
The overall aim is a better collaboration between university vocational teacher education, vocational schools and enterprises, which constitute the vocational ecosystem, leading to:
- improved recruitment,
- retention,
- training and
- leadership skills and job satisfaction for vocational teachers.
Project manager at Haaga-Helia: Crister Nyberg
Haaga-Helian specialists: Mika Saranpää, Taina Laivola, Tuija Alasalmi & Eeva-Kaisa Haavisto
Duration: 01.11.2021 – 01.11.2024
Partners: Akdeniz University – Turkey, FriedrichAlexander Univversität Erlangen-Nürnberg – Germany, Norges Teknisknaturvetenskalplige Universitet NTNU – Norway, Charlottenlund Upper Secondary School – Norway.
Funding: Erasmus+