Quality policy

Quality work supports the vision defined in the strategy. Each member of the organisation works towards identified goals and takes responsibility for the quality of personal work activities and results.

It is characteristic of Finland’s education system that its actors strive for high quality. At Haaga-Helia, too, everybody aims at good learning and working results. Quality is created in everyday practice. High quality permeates the activities right down to the smallest details. Quality control and development responsibilities are determined by the organisational structure.

In Haaga-Helia, we develop our activities according to the principle of continuous improvement in cooperation with students, staff, industry representatives, the maintainer organisation and other stakeholders. In quality work, we aim to continuously develop Haaga-Helia's operations and make this work visible. We have put in place a range of feedback and information systems to support us in monitoring the quality and developing our operations.

The quality system supports Haaga-Helia in reaching its strategic targets by providing a framework for effective quality control and definition of the associated responsibilities and procedures. The quality system ensures that quality management procedures for operational quality are implemented across all functions. The quality system serves students, staff members and stakeholders.

The purpose of Haaga-Helia's quality system is to  

  • support the management in implementing the strategy;  
  • support continuous assessment and improvement of operations by providing tools and highlighting areas in need of improvement;  
  • produce reliable monitoring and assessment data for operational planning purposes;  
  • clarify and harmonise procedures in order to promote quality;  
  • support approaches that promote creativity, learning and innovation;  
  • disseminate and establish good practices.   

The quality system is underpinned by a purposeful organisation, leadership and decision-making. The system operates based on the strategy and the associated roadmap and annual action plans.

Quality management covers all of Haaga-Helia's operations. The operational starting points are defined in the strategy and the associated roadmap and annual action plans.

Quality monitoring and development is a part of our everyday management activities. The quality level target for our services is "very good" (4/5).

We implement the development activities primarily through our development and action plans. These are the plans where we combine the feedback and insight from various businesses and other organizations in a manner that serves the renewal of the industry with a responsible, communal and economically sustainable approach. Broad-based participation is important, and hence, we communicate the feedback and development measures openly.

Quality management refers to procedures, processes and systems the HEI uses to maintain and develop the quality of its operations. Haaga-Helia uses the European EFQM Excellence Model, the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and the Deming cycle (adapted) for continuous quality monitoring and improvement.

Haaga-Helia's operational and development approach is described in the quality portal which is open for both staff members as well as students. The portal contains key methods and tools of quality management and describes the quality management and development responsibilities.

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