Health insurance


Lead paragraph

Students coming to Haaga-Helia should obtain all necessary insurances (e.g. health, accident, luggage, home insurance) prior to their arrival in Finland. Students who are not Finnish citizens cannot normally obtain insurance from Finland. Please note that Haaga-Helia does not offer insurance to students.

Non-EU/EEA citizens

Non-EU/EEA citizens arriving in Finland for the purpose of study are required to have health insurance if the period of study lasts for more than three months. Health insurance is one of the obligatory requirements for obtaining a residence permit for studies. Health insurance must be obtained prior to applying for a residence permit. The insurance must be valid for the duration of studies, beginning upon entry to Finland. The insurance policy must be issued by a reliable and financially sound company/institution.

The type of health insurance policy a student needs depends on his duration of studies in Finland that, in turn, affects the right of domicile in Finland.

  • A student who enters Finland to study for less than two years is not usually granted the right of domicile, i.e. a home municipality in Finland, and therefore is not entitled to municipal health care services. Consequently, the student must have private insurance covering medical expenses up to €120,000.
  • A student who enters Finland to study for more than two years is usually granted the right to domicile (a home municipality in Finland) and is therefore entitled to municipal health care services. Consequently, the student must have private insurance covering pharmaceutical expenses up to €40,000.
  • The insurance excess may not be more than EUR 300.

For more information and a list of recommended insurance providers, please see

EU/EEA citizens

EU/EEA citizens should obtain the European Health insurance card from their country of residence prior to departure. The card can be obtained from the social security institution in the student’s country of permanent residence. The card will entitle students to transfer their existing social benefits to another EU/EEA member state (e.g. medical or hospital treatment against a small fee).

Other insurances

In addition to the health insurance/European Health Insurance Card, students are recommended to have private travel insurance, for example covering luggage and travel expenses in case of a cancellation due to illness, and home insurance, if necessary.