The results of the autumn semester student survey are ready - check out the results from the final report

Viime syksynä ammattikorkeakoulun tutkinto-opintonsa aloittaneet opiskelijat vastasivat heille räätälöityyn opiskelijakyselyyn marraskuussa 2021. Kyselyssä opiskelijat saivat arvioida opiskeluympäristöään sekä heille tarjottua opetusta, ohjausta ja osaamista. Tulokset ovat nyt valmistuneet ja loppuraporttia pääsee katselemaan Pepin kautta.

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Students who began their studies at the University of Applied Sciences last fall answered a student survey in November 2021.

The survey, tailored especially for them, contained questions about their study environment, teaching, counseling, and skills provided to them. In addition, students were also asked to evaluate their own resources and their ability to cope with the long-lasting pandemic.

Based on the responses, those who started their studies in autumn 2021 were motivated as well as career- and development-oriented. Many sought the widest and most diverse competence profile possible

Students felt that a broad skills profile is the best way to find employment in demanding specialist positions. Strong and professional support offered by those working in a variety of mentoring roles was considered beneficial.

In this survey, Haaga-Helia received an overall rating of 3.7 on a scale of 1-5. Strong working life orientation, internationality, diversity, and a positive atmosphere were considered as Haaga-Helia’s strengths.

The framework for the survey is the study ability model, which describes the student's workability. The components of the model interact dynamically, e.g. a well-functioning study environment and competent counseling services improve the study ability when a challenging life situation makes studying difficult. 

By influencing your own environment, you can increase both your own resources and that of others. In practice, study ability affects the student’s academic results, well-being,, and progress in studies.

The survey was carried out and the public summary report was compiled by Haaga-Helia's Quality Management Services.

You can view the survey results at (requires login):

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