Master info letter, May 2023

Please find below topical information for Master students. 

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Please check before applying for graduation, that you have passed all the required credits and thesis and they are registered in the student register. Please notice that it might take up to 24 hours for the credits to be registered so the credits must be in our register the day before you apply for graduation.  

  • Apply for graduation Fri 2 June 2023 by 3 pm at the latest, if you wish to graduate on the day of the graduation ceremony Fri 16 June 2023 at Pasila campus. Master students will graduate on the graduation ceremony on Fri 16 June at 10 o’clock. 
  • The last time to apply for graduation during spring term is Fri 9 June 2023 by 3 pm. The last graduation date during spring term is Fri 30 June 2023 (no graduation ceremony). 

Agree with your thesis advisor as soon as possible when you will submit the thesis for evaluation. At least three weeks are set aside for the evaluation of the thesis, i.e. the thesis must be returned in mid-May, unless otherwise agreed with the advisor. 
Instructions for finalising the thesis, publishing it and taking the maturity test can be found on the Master students' Thesis page.

Autumn schedules and enrollment 

The timetable for autumn semester will be published on 22 May. The pre-enrolkment for autumn semester 2023 begins on 29 May 2023 at 8.00 am and ends on 5 June 2023 at 4.00 pm. The second enrolkment round begins on 12 June 2023 at 8.00 am and ends at 4.00 pm on the Friday of the week before the implementation begins.

Enrollment for attendance/non-attendance 2023-2024 

Students have to enroll for attendance/non-attendance each academic year. Enroll as present or absent for the following academic year in Peppi during 4 April–16 June 2023. Read more here.

3UAS fall 2023 study offering

  • Discover your Career Path in Finland (5 ECTS) - Would you like to get a good overview of the Finnish working life, its cultural aspects and labour markets or get started with building networks that help you get employed? Have you wondered how to approach recruiters from different companies? Or perhaps you are interested in a career in a public sector or NGOs and would like to gain a better understanding of them? This intensive course will give you a comprehensive insight into the different career paths and employment opportunities. It will also help you to meet challenges of the job search process. The course includes visits to workplaces and guest lectures of various fields. The enrollment begins on 2nd of May. NB! This is not a Master level course. Read more here.

NB! Only in Finnish. 3AMK:n syksyn 2023 opintojen ilmoittautuminen on alkanut. Ilmoittaudu opinnoille 5.6. mennessä osoitteessa Opinnot ovat kaikille Haaga-Helian, Laurean ja Metropolian opiskelijoille avoimia, ne voi sisällyttää omaan tutkintoon ja ne ovat tietysti maksuttomia. Osa opinnoista on virtuaalisia, osa taas lähiopetuksena eri kampuksilla. 

Syksyn 2023 YAMK-tarjonnassa on seuraavat opinnot: 

  • Tulevaisuuden johtamistaidot (15 op) – osaamispolku keskittyy keskeisiin taitoihin ja teemoihin, joita nykyaikaiseen ja tehokkaaseen johtamiseen tarvitaan. Opit kehittämään muutosjohtajuuttasi, reflektoimaan omia johtamistaitoja sekä hyödyntämään systeemisen johtamisen ja coachaamisen periaatteita. 
  • Mukana muutosten maailmassa – kehitä tulevaisuuskyvykkyyttäsi (5 op) - Käsitellään monimutkaisia ja jopa viheliäisiä ongelmia sekä luodaan konkreettisia toimintamalleja, joiden avulla on mahdollista saavuttaa toivottavia tulevaisuuksia myös uudessa normaalissa ja poikkeustilanteissa. 

Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu nyt osoitteessa

Changes to implementation method codes

In the next academic year, there will be some minor changes to implementation method codes. Code ‘Blended’ will be combined with Contact or Online implementations i.e.  in addition to the actual implementation method, there are also online studies and/or independent virtual studies in an e-learning environment.

Virtual implementations have a new code ‘Instructed’. ‘Virtual, instructed’ means a guided virtual implementation in which the student completes tasks in an e-learning environment according to the implementation plan and there are no scheduled meetings. The student may choose to participate in guidance and feedback sessions provided by the teacher. In virtual implementation the student studies completely independently by doing mostly automated tasks in an online learning environment according to his/her own schedule. The implementation does not have scheduled teaching or other online meetings.

Master seminars and thesis workshops in autumn 2023

Master seminars in specialisation groups will be held on 4.9. in Finnish, 23.10. in English, 27.11. in Finnish from 17.00 to 19.30. The head of the specialisation will inform the students about the seminars.

Thesis workshops will be held on Mondays from 17.00 to 19.00. The enrollment for thesis workshops will begin in August.

  • 11.9. Opinnäytetyön rakenne ja rajaaminen
  • Framing and structuring the thesis (materials provided online)
  • 18.9. Työkaluja ja innostusta kirjoittamiseen
  • 18.9. Thesis writing workshop: practices and tools for writing
    • Huom: Sama päivä – opiskelija valitsee kielen ilmoittautuessaan. NB! Same day, student chooses language version when enrolling to the workshop 
  • 25.9. Tiedonhaku ja vinkit hyvien lähteiden äärelle
  • 9.10. Information search and tips for finding relevant sources
  • 30.10. Kriittinen kirjoittaminen ja teoreettisen viitekehyksen rakentaminen
  • 30.10. Critical writing and building of theoretical framework
    • Huom: Sama päivä – opiskelija valitsee kielen ilmoittautuessaan. NB! Same day, student chooses language version when enrolling to the workshop 
  • 6.11. Minfulness opinnäytetyössä
  • 13.11. Tiedon havainnollistaminen
  • Data visualisation (materials provided online)
  • 20.11. Opinnäytetyön viimeistely/Completing the thesis

Method workshops on Tuesdays from 18.00 to 20.30 

A personal appointment time for Tuesday's method workshops must be booked by e-mail to ( no later than the previous evening. 

  • Quantitative methods, (e.g. surveys) > principal lecturer Pirjo Saaranen 
  • Qualitative methods (e.g. interviews, content analysis) > principal lecturer Juha Lindstedt 

Method nights on 5.9. ja 19.9. from 18.00 to 20.30 

In autumn the method nights will be held in Finnish: 

  • 5.9. Haastattelut ja sisällönanalyysi. Luotettavuuden arviointi. Yliopettaja Juha Lindstedt 
  • 19.9. Kyselylomakkeen laatiminen ja Webropolin käyttö aineiston keräämisessä. Kvantitatiivisen aineiston analyysi ja esittäminen. Yliopettaja Pirjo Saaranen.  

Master Thesis 

The Thesis should be started at the beginning of the third semester i.e. second study year the latest. You can find support and information from Master student's thesis pages and on the Applied Design Research course. If you want to start your thesis before summer there are still places left on summer Applied Design Research implementation (RDI2HM101-3023 virtual).