Haaga-Helia's brand is strong among young people
In a recent brand survey, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences was ranked the second most interesting and second most well-known university of applied sciences in Finland among respondents aged under 25. Young people consider universities of applied sciences to be almost as interesting places to study as universities.

In a higher education brand survey by Taloustutkimus, respondents under 25 years of age considered Tampere University of Applied Sciences and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences to be the most interesting universities of applied sciences. The universities of applied sciences in Jyväskylä and Turku followed the top two. Haaga-Helia was considered the most interesting university of applied sciences in the Helsinki metropolitan area.
When respondents were asked which universities of applied sciences they had some impression of, Haaga-Helia was at the top right after the Police University College. Haaga-Helia was known by 39 per cent of respondents, 41 per cent had an idea of the Police University College.
– We are very happy with these results. The good results among respondents under the age of 25 are significant for us, because the majority of our applicants belong to this age group, says Haaga-Helia's president Minna Hiillos.
In image factors, Haaga-Helia was above average when respondents were asked to assess the attractiveness of the location of universities of applied sciences, their reputation as a place to study, the offer of international opportunities and positive visibility on media and social media.
Universities of applied sciences attract young people almost as much as universities
At the time of the survey, one third of the respondents were interested in applying only to universities of applied sciences, one third only to universities, and one fifth would apply to both. Universities were considered interesting places to study at by 59 per cent of respondents, while 51 per cent of the respondents considered universities of applied sciences interesting. Approximately one third of the respondents considered open universities of applied sciences and open universities to be interesting places of study.
When selecting the field of study, the most important criteria for the respondents were secure employment, success in working life and studying with like-minded people. When selecting the university, the respondents emphasised the attractiveness of the field of education, the level of teaching and the attractiveness of the location.
Good post-study earnings were almost as important for both female and male respondents, while choosing one's vocation field was more important for female respondents.
Young people prefer face-to-face learning
The brand survey also examined the views of under 25 olds on contact and distance learning. According to the study, young people are primarily interested in contact teaching or studying that focuses on it. According to the survey, good one fifth of respondents would like to study face-to-face and more than one third primarily in contact teaching. One in three people are interested in hybrid learning.
– Our students have also told us that face-to-face communication and the support and company of fellow students is important, says Hiillos.
The majority of young respondents are interested in a combination of independent and guided studying, as well as learning that includes elements of both theoretical and practical learning.
The brand survey of higher education institutions is carried out by Taloustutkimus and has been conducted since 2002. The survey was carried out as an electronic questionnaire and around 3,000 Finns aged under 25 and around 2,400 Finns aged 25–64 responded to it in January–February 2023.