Accommodation Business

Majoitus, hotelli, kuvituskuva

This course takes the student to a new level in understanding the business logic and working structure of the hotel business.

In this course, the participant will review the accommodation business environment, its structure and various business models and concepts. The participant will be introduced to the rooms division department, career paths, and job descriptions in hotels. The participant will learn about the mindset and characteristics of the modern guest, and how to provide a tailored and responsible guest experience.

The participants are expected to watch all the video content under each module, acquaint themselves with additional materials provided, and then take the quizzes. Each quiz can be taken 3 times and we recommend that participants watch the videos and practise until they feel they mastered the topic.

Course objectives

After completing the course, the participant:

  • understands of the accommodation business environment and its players
  • identifies different hotel organization/management models, career paths, and job descriptions
  • explains and illustrates tailored and responsible guest experience
  • evaluates different business models in changing business environments and gives his/her contribution in building/renewing business ideas for tomorrow


Skills gained upon completion of this course are:

  • accommodation industry awareness
  • basic interpersonal and service skills

This course is feature of Haaga-Helia Online

Haaga-Helia Online offers extensive and in-depth study modules, which include various digital learning materials, assignments, tests and supporting materials. The participants will receive a certificate for every course they complete.

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Course material: 31 videos, over 3 hours of video material, 3 quizzes. Estimated total study time 54 hours.

Targeted to: This introductory course to the accommodation business is for everyone interested in understanding the business from the back-of-the-house point of view. This course also serves well for people already working in the hotel business, wanting to broaden their skills and knowledge base.

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