Take part in the user survey of the renewed Haaga-Helia website and win a 50€ gift card

Haaga-Helia.fi website was renewed in November. We are now surveying the experiences of the users about the usability of the new website. The answers will be used in the further development of the site.

News article


Give us your opinion on the new website by answering the survey before February 7. The answering will take about 10 minutes.

Your response is anonymous. All responses and information within will be handled confidentially. The survey is implemented in co-operation with Haaga-Helia communications and digital communications partner Exove.

We will draw three gift cards to Suomalainen kirjakauppa book store worth 50 euros among all participants who submit their contact information. You will be able to leave your contact information and participate in the draw after you have answered the survey.

For further information, please contact:

Answer the survey here