Study Services email address changes on Mon 10 October 2022

Haaga-Helia Study Services will start using the service management system Efecte on Monday 10 October. At the same time the campus-related email addresses will be combined to one email address The email addresses for Teacher education and Open UAS will stay the same.

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You can leave a contact by sending email. You can also leave a contact through the service portal Efecte. You can address the contact for example to Study Services, IT Services or Library. When you send an email message to the teams concerned, you will receive an automatic response to your email.

The old campus-related email addresses will not be in use and from now on everyone will get service from these addresses:

You can log in to the Service Portal from

Select "Haaga-Helia SSO" from the login options and log in with your Haaga-Helia credentials: