The studies are designed so that contact days and peer group activities form a one-year group process. The contact days are organized in a collaborative manner, which does not allow for online participation, except for during the online days marked in the programme. The competence requirements imply face-to-face interaction, participation, and co-creation as a whole group. Students may choose to progress faster or opt for a more long-term plan. The overall length of your studies is determined in your PDP.
Vocational Teachers' Development Programme 2024–2025
Vocational teacher training is a competence-based development programme. The studies are linked to vocational learning, the competences required in the teacher's work and the skills needed in society and a variety of professions. The content of the studies is built on the current and future needs of working life and vocational education.
The official language of the programme is English, and you should, therefore, have a good command of spoken and written English (at least level B2.1). Furthermore, during the programme, you should also aim to gain some competence in Finnish and/or Swedish.
In addition to learning, tutoring and assessment, other shared themes of the programme include ethics, democracy and human rights in teaching, the teacher as an influencer in society, entrepreneurship in teachers’ work and in students’ future careers, and the changes digitalization will bring to teachers’ work.
Successful completion of the programme gives you a formal pedagogical qualification and entitles you to use the letters AmO after your name. The studies are a total of 60 ects credits.
Common about vocational teachers' studies
Social development
The value base of the programme is social development, or ‘bildung’, which promotes successful everyday life, high-quality working life, social equality and non-discrimination in society. Social development encompasses truthfulness, community spirit, responsibility and ethics. The key features of the studies are contextuality, community and dialogue.
Vocational education
The science of vocational education (ammattikasvatus) provides a framework for the Vocational Teacher Development Programme. The key themes for vocational education include vocational learning, teaching and tutoring, professional growth as a lifelong process, and work-based social development as a member of a workplace community, entrepreneur, professional and a member of society.
Competence-based development and personalisation
In competence-based development, defining the required competences is the starting point for teaching, and assessment is based on the achievement of the required competences. The focus shifts from teaching to planning, tutoring and supporting each student’s learning process. Together, the student teacher and the tutor plan the learning process. In the personal development plan (PDP), they recognize the student teacher’s prior competence in relation to the competence criteria of vocational teachers.
In vocational teacher education, the competence criteria are interpretations of the kind of competencies vocational teachers will need in different work environments now and in the future. These criteria will be discussed, interpreted and defined during the vocational teacher education programme.
Enquiry-based development
Vocational teacher training studies are implemented in accordance with the enquiry-based development model. The model contains the following stages of the development: the investigation of the current state of affairs, goal-setting, the investigation of theoretical assumptions, experimentation, and sharing of findings.
You will apply the model as appropriate in each module and the programme as a whole. The overall aim is a systematic process of development and competence-building, which includes tutoring and joint assessment of experimentation.
Exploration of teacher identity and reflection
Exploring your teacher identity is part of the ethical competence of a vocational teacher. You will examine the changes that take place in your professional practice, ways of working and thinking while making the transition from an expert and a professional to a vocational teacher.
Reflection focuses not only on how you think, but also on what you feel and how you act in teaching situations. A teacher's job is an interpersonal profession where you study and support learning.
When entering teacher training, students are at different stages in their development as teachers. Nevertheless, every teacher has to embrace continuous personal growth and development. Exploring the diversity of student teachers and the feelings and thoughts it evokes is part of growing up as a teacher. Teaching, if anything, is continuous learning.
As a student teacher you will identify, analyse and reconstruct your views on growth, learning, students and competencies and assess the development of your pedagogical competence. During the process you will examine your relationship with students, the workplace and society at large. You will also explore the possibilities and limitations of vocational education in the future.
Personal development plan
At the start of your studies in May, you draft a personal development plan (PDP) with your tutor. Your development plan is based on the self-evaluation of your competences in relation to the competence criteria for a vocational teacher. In your plan, you record the objectives and development tasks appropriate for you. During the development tasks, you explore and develop your vocational teacher identity and the associated work practices and environments.
Over the course of your studies, you will have at least three PDP discussions with your tutor to review your plan and assess your progress based on the plan. You will also assess the implementation of your PDP with the members of your peer group.
Although the development plan is personalised, the programme’s approach is collaborative. As you complete and assess your competence development, you will be supported by a peer group of fellow student teachers with whom you carry out part of your studies using methods agreed by the group.
Each student teacher and peer group will be assigned a tutor. The tutor will support and help you and your peer group to build a meaningful learning process, develop and assess your competences. The aim of the tutoring process is to support the student teacher’s own choices and development needs.
Peer activity
Student teachers work in small peer groups (3-5 persons). In peer group activities, you develop and demonstrate competences in collegial teacher work, co-teaching and co-development. Peer group activities are guided by the supervising teacher/tutor.
Each peer group formulates its common learning process by reviewing the assessment criteria for vocational teachers, the research and development topics described for the competence development, and the PDP process of its members. Members of the peer group act as peer tutors for each other. Collaboration with your colleagues, industry representatives and stakeholders at your workplace is also part of peer activities.
Studying in a multicultural peer group gives the group members an opportunity to explore different cultures and learn about them, but it also challenges the students’ cooperation and negotiation skills. Successful peer activity is based on mutual respect and listening to and understanding different views. ‘We instead of I’.
Prior university-level education or equivalent modules (25 cp) can be recognised through the credit transfer process for the following modules of the pedagogical programme:
1.2. Basis for teaching and learning 5 cp
1.3. Learning at work and in networks 5 cp
3.1. Professional knowledge and changes in working life 5 cp
If you have previously completed studies in education, adult education, vocational education, special pedagogy, TAIKO or YOOP (25 credits / 15 credit hours) or vocational education studies at Haaga-Helia's open University of Applied Sciences, you can apply for credit transfer for the above mentioned study units. You need to discuss your prior studies in the first personal development plan (PDP) discussion. Your tutor will guide you to apply the credit transfer in Peppi (the study management system).
If your completed prior studies are more than 10 years old, you cannot apply for credit transfer. Acceptance procedures and the credit transfer process are based on chapter 6, section 37 of the University of Applied Sciences Act.
Individual university-level modules and other prior competence and experience can be recognised, validated and assessed based on the competence requirements and competence criteria. You need to provide documentation in your digital competence portfolio as agreed with your tutor during the PDP discussions.
Recognition of prior studies abroad
The recognition of qualifications refers to the validation of your existing qualification or a degree from another country when applying for work or a study place. The decisions are made by authorities, educational institutions, universities as well as employers.
If your prior degree is related to education and pedagogy, it may be fully recognized by the Finnish National Agency for Education (Opetushallitus), in which case your degree may equal with the Finnish pedagogical teacher qualification. If your previous degree is partially recognised by the Finnish authority, it means you have to complete supplementary studies in our program. You may choose to study the whole programme or only the number of credit points required. Nevertheless, we recommend that you complete the 60 credits in our program. Full or partial recognition is stated in the official decision issued to you by the Finnish National Agency of Education. Haaga-Helia will not provide you the official recognition nor assist in the process.
In the beginning of the teacher training programme, you need to bring your recognition decision with you to the first PDP discussion. You and your tutor will agree together on which study units you will complete to supplement the missing credits.
Decisions on comparability of higher education degrees and studies are based on Act on Eligibility for Public Posts Provided by Higher Education Studies Completed Abroad (1385/2015).
The development programme for vocational teachers includes selected materials, which are available on the website of the School of Vocational Teacher Education ->
You will explore the materials as discussed with your tutor as part of the PDP and with your peer group. The materials include pedagogical literature, journal and book articles, expert interviews and different types of digital materials.
The use of artificial intelligence in the search for information is permitted. Haaga-Helia students' instructions for the use of artificial intelligence in their studies can be found on the website:
The sources used must always be cited. In the learning and research tasks, dialogue with the sources defined as mandatory, practical examples and personal reflection in relation to the competence criteria are required. Personal reflection and internalization of concepts and theoretical frameworks is the most important thing.
If a student submits a text produced solely by artificial intelligence for evaluation, without using sources and without their own reflection, the text will be returned for completion.
You can also use tools other than text to demonstrate competence (e.g. pictures, videos, sounds, conversations). However, it must be clear that sources have been used in the work, and that it includes personal reflection in relation to the competence criteria.
Competence assessment is based on the professional requirements and competence criteria of a vocational teacher and the participant’s personal development plan. The assessment takes place during teaching practice, through observation and discussions, and in the documentation in your learning journal. Furthermore, contact days provide an opportunity to assess competence. The contact days enable you to demonstrate your interactive skills, tutoring competence and the ability to verbalize pedagogical activity.
Your PDP will also include methods for assessing your competences. You will assess your competences during your studies independently, with your tutor and peer group. Your competence will be assessed qualitatively in regard to the competence criteria, and you will receive feedback from your tutor and peer group members. The competence criteria of the programme are linked to each study unit, which are evaluated as fail/pass.
You will create a digital competence portfolio which includes all the documentation of your learning, prior learning and competences. The digital competence portfolio is a way to demonstrate your competence: it is the reflection of your competence development. You will be instructed to set up your digital competence portfolio.
The digital competence portfolio is a proof and demonstration of your skills, development and completed teacher studies. In the portfolio, you document the different stages of your study process in relation to the competence criteria of a vocational teacher, the materials you have studied, as well as your understanding of the information, skills and attitudes with respect to the competence criteria of a vocational teacher. Reflection in the form of a regularly updated learning journal is an important part of the digital competence portfolio. You can use text, images, videos and audio for documentation. You can also collect feedback on your skills from students, colleagues and peer groups and use them as evidence in your digital competence portfolio.
Competence badges
Competence badges (Open Bagdes) are a new kind of visual way of showing competence that has been acquired before or during teacher studies. Acquiring a digital competence badge is voluntary.
With the digital competence badge, you can make visible the competence that is not described in the certificate. You can share the digital competence badge, for example, as part of your CV or on social media networks. The completion of the badges is agreed with your tutor in your PDP.
You may complete and receive a badge on the following study units:
2.2 Teaching and tutoring practice in vocational institutions and companies (Curricula/ The eRequirements of vocational qualifications, learning processes and environments, pedagogical group processes, interaction in teaching and tutoring, personalization)
2.3 Elective pedagogical unit (your chosen topic)
2.4 Assessment of competence
2.5 Career counselling
When you have successfully completed the study courses listed above, you may apply for the badge. The badge applications are available on Haaga-Helia’s webpage. After the application is approved, you will receive the competence badge as a link via email. To save and receive the badge, create yourself an Open Badge Passport account at Use an e-mail address which you can manage even after graduation. If you don't want to receive the competence badge, you can ignore the email.
Quality assessment of teacher training
In teacher training, quality assessment is part of the learning process. During the studies, the peer group explores and assesses the process and the tutoring provided to the group. Towards the end of the studies, we will collect student feedback. The feedback is part of the quality system for vocational teacher training and the development of activities. All feedback is processed together with students and tutors.
Modules of Development Programme and criteria
1) As a vocational teacher, my actions are based on knowledge of vocational education.
- I develop my practical theory using scientific reasoning.
- I am able to provide pedagogical reasoning for my actions.
2) As a vocational teacher, my actions are sustainable and responsible.
- I work according to the ethical principles of vocational teachers.
- In my work, I promote human rights and equality and act according to democratic principles.
- I recognize and take into account the ecological, economic and social impact and consequences of my work.
- I develop awareness of my professional boundaries and take care of my own wellbeing.
3) As a vocational teacher, I develop my competence together with workplace representatives, students and colleagues through systematic assessment and by using various documentation means.
- I recognize and define development areas.
- I introduce experimental solutions to development areas and justify them theoretically.
- I share the results of the development work with my fellow students, my work community, and in my networks.
Research and development topics for the module
- vocational teacher development programme and competence criteria
- personal development plan (PDP)
- peer group action plan
- developing teacher identity.
Work methods
The personal development plan is a way to examine your pedagogical competence and development needs as a vocational teacher. You will have your first PDP discussion with your tutor in the early stage of the programme to draw up your personal development plan (PDP). Draft the first version as agreed with your tutor.
Describe in your PDP:
- Your background and why you applied for vocational teacher training
- What does the word “participation” mean to you?
- What is your current pedagogical competence based on the competence criteria for vocational teachers?
- What does “student-centered” mean to you?
- What are the pedagogical and vocational development needs of your work community?
- What are your development goals in relation to professional development and pedagogical competence?
- What kind of practical theories guide your teaching and tutoring work (see 1.1)?
- How do you demonstrate your pedagogical competence and self-assessment skills?
- What kind of content and activities would support your development during studies?
- What kinds of development tasks do you want to include in your studies; how will you implement and timetable them in practice?
- How will you execute your digital competence portfolio?
The PDP will be updated during the studies. It provides the basis for your personal reflection, the development of your teacher identity and your competence assessment.
The second PDP session will be held at the halfway point of your studies and is used to examine the status of your studies and to further define your learning path. In the final PDP discussion towards the end of the programme, you will reflect your competence development during the study programme. During your studies, you can be active and contact your tutor whenever needed.
Peer activity
Peer groups are formed in the early stage of the studies. They support the planning, implementation and assessment of learning. In the peer groups, you will observe and assess one another’s work and the group’s internal activities, find ideas for new ways of operating and organize teaching observation visits. The peer group draws up an action plan including a schedule, description of work content and an agreement on peer learning and support. The groups will work both face-to-face in the classroom and online.
You can have this module credit transferred with prior university-level education or open UAS equivalent studies.
Expected learning outcomes
- You know the historical stages and emphases in the study of teaching and learning
- You describe and analyse teaching and learning situations using learning theories and pedagogical concepts
- You understand how the experiences, competence and knowledge of the teacher and learner affect teaching and learning practices
- You understand the ways in which the teacher should take into account the learner’s learning process in their teaching
- You develop your practical theory to guide your own teaching
- You assess your competence in relation to the competence criteria of the programme and identify your vocational development need
- The classic questions in pedagogy and their presenters
- The central learning theories
- Monitoring and analysing teaching and learning situations using learning theories and pedagogical concepts
- Writing your own practical theory using the pedagogical concepts and theoretical frameworks
Work methods
- Studying theoretical concepts and pedagogical contents
- Observing, structuring and analysing your own teaching and learning experiences
- Self-evaluation of your competence
- Completing learning assignments
- Participation in the online workshop
You can have this module credit transferred with prior university-level education or open UAS equivalent studies.
Expected learning outcomes
- You determine the concepts of learning at work and in networks
- You analyse the importance of networks in your own professional development and practices
- You describe the models for between vocational institutions and working life and assess their importance for the different parties involved
- You identify the challenges of learning at work and in networks and present examples of how to develop practices
- You assess your competence in relation to the competence criteria of the programme
- The theoretical framework for learning at work and in networks
- Networks that enable learning and collaboration between students and teachers
- Practices and processes in the collaboration between vocational institutions and working life
- Developing learning at work and in networks
Work methods
- Studying theoretical concepts and models
- Analysing and structuring your own networks and collaboration models between vocational institutions and working life
- Self-evaluation of your competence
- Writing a summary report
- Participation in the online workshop
4) The vocational teacher’s interaction in contexts of teaching and tutoring supports dialogue, inclusion and pays attention to the diversity of students.
- I give my students time, attention, and respect in all encounters.
- I create possibilities for dialogue as part of teaching and tutoring.
- Through my own interaction, I promote students' participation, wellbeing and experience of safety.
- I guide and tutor individuals and groups, taking into account the diversity of students.
5) As a vocational teacher, I use and develop learning-centered tutoring, teaching and assessment methods, collaboratively with industry representatives, students and colleagues.
- My actions are determined by the competence my students need in the world of work.
- I am familiar with the concept and practices of personalised vocational education and I design study processes which are personalised and negotiable.
- I assess my students through tutoring, and on the basis of their competence.
- I am proficient in tutoring, teaching and assessment in different types of learning environments.
6) As a vocational teacher, I support learning processes and develop learning environments in cooperation with networks and communities.
- I develop opportunities for students’ individual and collaborative learning in groups, in cooperation with workplace representatives, students and colleagues.
- I know the requirements of the degree in my field of study and how to develop the curriculum’s compatibility with working life.
- My teaching and tutoring actions promote general and occupational wellbeing as well as occupational safety.
- I use digital tools and artificial intelligence in a pedagogically appropriate manner.
7) As a vocational teacher, I guide my students in a way that enables them to graduate and to find employment and strengthens their possibilities for entrepreneurship.
- I promote my students’ employability and entrepreneurial skills.
- I support my students’ study processes and career goals according to the tutoring plan of the educational institution and the workplace.
Research and development topics for the module
- Different settings and environments of a vocational teacher
- Student well-being services, multidisciplinary and multisectoral cooperation
- NGOs, third sector operators and their educational activities.
Work methods
Familiarize yourself with the work of a vocational teacher extensively in different operating environments. Follow and observe teachers’ daily work, participate in their teaching and tutoring situations at least in six different occasions/events/lessons, and learn about other tasks that are part of the teacher's work. Have an exploratory conversation with the teachers you are following.
Observing vocational learning and tutoring takes place in educational institutions and workplaces. You should contact the teacher(s) for observing sessions well in advance. Complete the observations in different environments and settings based on your interests and development objectives. The different settings can include, for example, the teaching of young people and adults in educational institutions and workplaces, vocational education in institutions and training environments, different workshops, simulated environments, teaching offered to students needing special support, and virtual environments. You may combine some observations with the study unit 2.2. competence requirements, if agreed upon with your tutor. For example, through the observations you may familiarize with the processes of personalization of vocational secondary education by observing personalisation (PDP) discussions, which you would not be able to implement yourself as a person outside the educational institution.
Through observations, you can find teaching practice opportunities for the study unit 2.2 and even employ yourself in educational institutions or organizations that organize vocational training. If you work as a vocational teacher, observe vocational learning and tutoring in at least six different environments and situations in accordance with your development goals. Explore the pedagogical arrangements at your workplace and visit at least one of your fellow students' educational institutions to observe their arrangements.
You should also observe your peer group members’ sessions. Before you go and observe, you need to explore the documents you have received and found on the topic and qualification, curriculum and module and set objectives for the observation.
Analyse the contexts and situations you have observed in the light of pedagogical theories. Take notes of your observations during the six chosen sessions, describe the situations and reflect upon your learning in your digital competence portfolio, using a chosen format for documentation. If possible, after the observation, discuss your notes with the teacher in charge of the session.
Research and development topics for the module
You will develop and demonstrate your teaching and tutoring competences through the following topics/themes:
- Curricula/ The eRequirements of vocational qualifications
- Learning processes and environments
- Pedagogical group processes
- Interaction in teaching and tutoring
- Personalisation
Work methods
Teaching and tutoring practice activities take place in educational institutions and workplaces. You should organize your own internship for teaching and tutoring practice well in advance. During the teaching practice, the student is required to work for 20–40 hours in a variety of teaching and tutoring tasks. The amount of time is agreed upon in the personalization process.
Students who work in educational institutions can have their own educational institution as a training place. For those who do not work in educational institutions, the students themselves are responsible for searching a suitable place for the practice period. In the search for an internship, the mentors of the teacher training programme may help you in finding suitable contact persons for educational institutions. The teaching practice location is agreed with your tutor, and no monetary compensation is paid to the receiving educational institution.
When applicable, the teaching practice can take place as part of the research and development projects of the school of teacher education in Haaga-Helia, or in commercial operations training or in Haaga-Helia's Start Up School operations. Discuss the studification opportunities with your tutor.
The situations or lessons which you facilitate could be part of a specific module, course, study or qualification unit, or from a selection of different work environments. Your teaching practice may take place in projects between a vocational institution and working life, in classrooms or workshops, workplaces in the industry, online, or in third sector locations. Teaching practice can be completed in international contexts and projects or partly abroad as well. Wherever your teaching practice is implemented, you must plan the instruction of learning processes and demonstrate broad competence for planning and designing teaching and learning. Your teaching practice must include opportunities to teach, facilitate and tutor students in small and large groups as well as individual instruction for diverse learners, possibly also including those needing special support.
You need to prepare pedagogical scripts in which you take into account the students’ learning processes and your own actions as a teacher and a tutor. The teaching and tutoring practice sessions should include assessment of your methods and actions, for example, in cooperation with students, tutors and the peer group. Provide reasoning in your pedagogical scripts for your choices based on your practical theory.
Invite members of your peer group to observe and discuss your work. Your personal tutor will also visit to observe at least one of your teaching and tutoring sessions (minimum 2x60 mins). You will have a feedback situation with your tutor, who provides feedback on how to develop your teaching and tutoring practices. If necessary and upon agreement, the tutor may observe more than one session.
Extract of criminal record
If you work with underage students during your teaching practice, you must show the tutor of the teacher training program a criminal record extract. Haaga-Helia's tutor is obliged to check this with the student doing the teaching practice with minors.
The extract of criminal record is free of charge for the purpose of teaching practice completed during studies. You may order it at
If necessary, you can get more detailed information about the procedure from your tutor. The school of vocational teacher education, as the organizer of the training, is obliged to check the criminal background of the student completing the studies in Haaga-Helia, even if you already work as a teacher and have shown the extract to your employer.
Competence demonstration
The research and development areas in teaching practice (2.2) are curricula/ the eRequirements of vocational qualifications, learning processes and environments, pedagogical group processes, interaction in teaching and tutoring, and personalization.
Below are described the types of competences you should acquire and demonstrate during the teaching practice. The descriptions include the methods for demonstrating competence that show in practical terms what kinds of examples, documents and competence demonstrations you must provide.
The competence demonstration descriptions guide you in two ways. They help you recognise and highlight previously acquired competence. They also provide an indication on how you can acquire the missing competences during your vocational teacher studies. You use your digital competence portfolio to reflect on and assess everything you have done during your teaching practice in connection to the practical theories that are apparent in your work.
In your competence demonstration and documentation, describe:
- Which curricula or qualification requirements are used in your primary field of study, training programme, degree or qualification and how do they determine the way teaching and learning are organized in your institution (e.g. the realisation of competence-based learning, pedagogical model and organisation of teachers’ practices).
- Describe how the curriculum/qualification requirements are applied in practice and developed in your educational programme or qualification (e.g. by interviewing teachers, students or working life representatives, observing induction processes, participating in activities).
- Document your observations referring to the vocational education research and pedagogical literature.
- Assess your own competence in relation to competence requirements and competence criteria.
Learning processes and environments
- Describe and assess what kinds of learning environments are needed in your industry.
- Describe a learning process you implemented, including individual and collaborative learning activities in different learning environments (e.g. learning objectives, stages of learning processes, teaching and instruction methods, digital solutions, learning materials, assessment).
- Describe your cooperation with workplace representatives and colleagues.
- Present the documents that directed your activities.
- Justify the decisions you made using vocational education research and pedagogical literature.
- Assess your own competence in relation to competence requirements and competence criteria.
Pedagogical group processes
- Describe an interactive group process you have facilitated and supervised (e.g. students’ learning processes, work community’s change or development process).
- Describe how you enabled the participation of the group members in the process (e.g. grouping, roles, equal opportunity and participants’ diversity).
- Assess how you managed to achieve the objectives for group processes.
- Justify the decisions you made using vocational education research and pedagogical literature.
- Identify work practices that need further development and new perspectives.
- Assess your own competence in relation to competence requirements and competence criteria.
Interaction in teaching and tutoring
- Describe your interaction and tutoring orientation when you act as a teacher in the teaching and tutoring situation of your choice. Consider how your values and experiences affect your interactive style. Reflect on what kind of feedback you have received and how it influences your interaction with others. What aspects of interaction are easy to you? What aspects are challenging?
- Describe how, as a teacher, you handle modes of action that prevent interaction and promote each student’s experience of safety in a teaching or tutoring situation.
- Describe how you would support dialogue and confidential pedagogical relationship in a teaching or tutoring situation.
- Describe the interactive relationships, tensions and structures of the group (such as status, power, psychological and social, emotions).
- Describe also how you reinforce confidential interaction relationships by using, for example, the skills of listening and discussion.
- Describe the verbal and non-verbal communications in a teaching or tutoring situation. Identify and reflect on your own non-verbal actions.
- Describe how you take into account all the students in, for example, the language you use, how you formulate the content, which points of view you choose, what kind of examples you provide.
- Describe how in the interaction, you reached the goals set for the teaching or tutoring situation.
- Assess your own competence in relation to competence requirements and competence criteria. Identify further needs and opportunities for development.
- What kinds of changes do you notice in yourself (in your thinking, actions, emotions, attitudes)?
- Document your experiences and observations referring to the vocational education research base and pedagogical literature.
- Describe a personalisation process you are part of as a teacher or explore processes led by others e.g. by interviewing and observing teachers and students.
- Present the documents that direct personalisation in the environment you are studying.
- Describe what kind of competence the qualification requires.
- Describe what kinds of personalisation practices the educational organisation uses. Describe how the principles of inclusion are implemented in the process.
- Describe how a working life representative has participated in the personalisation process.
- Describe what kinds of media, methods and tools are used for instruction.
- Describe how students’ personalisation is documented.
- Document your findings referring to the vocational education research, laws and regulations and pedagogical literature.
- Assess your own competence in relation to competence requirements and competence criteria.
Research and development topics
Researching and implementing the teaching and tutoring in the pedagogical emphasis you chose.
Work methods
Make the pedagogical emphasis you chose a part of your teaching and tutoring practice. Study a wide range of materials related to the emphasis. Examine the theoretical backgrounds of the emphasis, find existing models, modes of action and operating environments. Try them out in practice, with students, in teaching and tutoring situations. Document the work you do and the development of your competence in the manner agreed with your tutor (texts, videos, podcasts, images and other methods).
You can apply for a competence badge in the chosen theme
A) Digital pedagogy
Competence demonstration
- Familiarise yourself with the different blended, hybrid/hyflex and online solutions in learning.
- Investigate and explore relevant quality criteria frameworks of online pedagogy.
- Choose a teaching practice context in which you apply digital pedagogy. The context can be, for example, a project, module, part of a degree or working life training.
- Describe how you designed or adjusted the learning and tutoring processes to fit the digital environment and pedagogical model for the selected study unit or course.
- Describe how you structured and built the process, contents and the materials using the tools of the selected online environment.
- Explain how you utilized various educational technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence, gamification, online platforms, mobile learning, simulations, virtual environments, learning analytics, etc.) in the process.
- Explain how the quality criteria of online pedagogy were followed in the module. Describe how you selected the different blended and hybrid solutions.
- Describe how you investigated the students’ digital competences in advance.
- Describe how you use artificial intelligence in teaching and guidance, personalization, support for teaching and tutoring interaction, pedagogical group processes and learning tasks.
- Describe how you promote students' artificial intelligence skills and you support the students’ AI literacy.
- Describe how the interaction during the process and on the selected platform helped the participants to achieve the expected learning outcomes.
- Describe how you evaluated the learning and development of competence online.
- Explain and critically review the digital pedagogical decisions you made using vocational education research and pedagogical literature.
- Assess your own competence in relation to professional competence requirements and competence criteria and the learning goals you have set. Identify further needs and opportunities for development in the work practices and your own competence.
B) Special Support for the Learner
Competence demonstration
- Examine and describe the special support plans and regulations in the operating environment you are focusing on.
- Choose a teaching practice context in which you apply the special support approaches in the context of the vocational education you chose. The context can be, for example, a project, module, part of a degree or working life training.
- Apply the special support approaches with pedagogical justifications.
- Describe how you identify special support needs and guide the student while also taking into account personal details, such as the student’s background, strengths and need for special support in, for example, a pedagogical script.
- Describe the challenges of learning and wellbeing, special support opportunities and how you build the cooperation to be performed with the relatives and the multiprofessional cooperation.
- Describe and explain the reasons for how you support and coach the student for working life.
- Justify and critically review the decisions you made using the special support opportunities and vocational education research or pedagogical literature.
- Assess your own competence in relation to professional competence requirements and competence criteria. Identify further needs and opportunities for development in the work practices and your own competence.
C) Global Competence and International Work
Competence demonstration
- Familiarize yourself with the international guidelines, programs and networks of vocational education (e.g. OECD, Erasmus+, Cedefop, EPALE, EUCEN) and the requirements for a teacher's international competence.
- Choose a teaching practice context where you develop your own and your students' global competences The context can be, for example, a project, course, part of a degree or training for working life. The teaching and guidance process can take place either abroad or in Finland. Examples of possibilities:
- Participate in Haaga-Helia's Erasmus+ exchange program and do your teaching practice abroad.
- Participate in Erasmus+ projects in Haaga-Helia or at your own educational institution.
- Observe and/or implement part of your teaching practice in educational export projects.
- Teach or facilitate workshops in international seminars, conferences or fairs.
- Get to know international networks and how to work in them (,
- Describe the teaching, tutoring or facilitation process that is your goal of research and development; identify its objectives and contents. Analyze how you develop your own intercultural and global competences in the process and promote your students' global competence.
- Justify and critically evaluate the plans and decisions you have made with the help of vocational education research and pedagogical literature.
- Assess your own competence in relation to professional competence requirements and competence criteria. Identify further needs and opportunities for development in the work practices and your own competence.
D) Sustainability pedagogy
Competence demonstration
- Familiarise yourself with the basic values of sustainable development and the related questions of ecological sustainability, social and economic justice and justice and democracy.
- Choose a teaching practice context in which you apply sustainability pedagogy. The context can be, for example, a project, module, part of a degree or working life training.
- In the teaching practice, plan and implement sustainable development practices and methods in your field in accordance with the curricula and qualification criteria.
- Describe how, in your teaching, you have taken into account the content that is in accordance with the basic values of sustainable development.
- Describe how, in your teaching and counselling practice, you have promoted professional skills, values and competence related to sustainable development.
- Describe how, as an expert, you act as the developer of sustainable content in schools and educational institutions.
- Explain and critically review the decisions you made using vocational education research and pedagogical literature.
- Assess your own competence in relation to professional competence requirements and competence criteria. Identify further needs and opportunities for development in the work practices and your own competence.
E) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Pedagogy
- Familiarise yourself with the values, legislation and frames of reference that promote diversity, inclusion and equality (DEI) from the viewpoint of, for example, human rights and democracy education, cultural sensitivity and antiracist practices, multilingual pedagogy and linguistic awareness, or gender equality.
- Choose a teaching practice context in which you apply your selected viewpoint. The context can be, for example, a project, module, part of a degree or working life training. The teaching and counselling process can take place in Finland or abroad.
- Describe the teaching and counselling process that is the focus of the research and development, its goals and content, and analyse how you will develop your DEI competence and human rights pedagogy in the process.
- Describe how diversity competence is reflected in your pedagogical thinking and how you use pedagogical models that promote inclusion in your own teaching and tutoring activities. Explain and critically review the decisions you made using vocational education research and pedagogical literature as well as applicable laws and regulations.
- Assess your own competence in relation to professional competence requirements and competence criteria. Identify further needs and opportunities for development in the work practices and your own competence.
F) Pedagogical wellbeing and safety
- Familiarize yourself with the knowledge base of pedagogical wellbeing and safety. Identify and describe the development challenges of an expert community operating in an educational institution or company, based on the knowledge base of pedagogical wellbeing and safety.
- Choose a teaching practice context where you apply the knowledge base of pedagogical wellbeing and safety. The context can be team activities (work planning, implementation and evaluation), a project, a course of study, cooperation with the welfare services of an educational institution, part of a degree or work life training.
- Plan and implement pedagogical wellbeing and safety as part of the teaching practice, together with the students, the expert community or a supervisor. Choose pedagogical methods, facilitation methods and development tools that suit the goal of the activity and the knowledge base of pedagogical wellbeing and safety.
- Describe and evaluate how you implemented methods that support pedagogical wellbeing and safety during teaching practice.
- Explain and critically review the decisions you made using vocational education research and pedagogical literature.
- Evaluate your own competence and development opportunities in relation to competence requirements and competence criteria.
- Identify the needs and opportunities for further development of work practices and your own skills.
G) Pedagogical leadership
Competence demonstration
- Read more about the knowledge base of pedagogical management.
Using the pedagogical management knowledge base as the foundation, identify and describe the development challenges of the expert community operating in the educational institution or company. - Choose a teaching practice context in which you apply the knowledge base of pedagogical management. The context can be, for example, a project, module, part of a degree or working life training.
- As part of the teaching practice, plan and realise, together with the students or expert community, a project or process section that promotes pedagogical development.
- Select the facilitation methods and development tools suitable for the pedagogical knowledge base and goal of the operations.
- Describe and assess your development process in writing or by using other modes of expression.
- Describe your operational fields of pedagogical leadership as a part of your work as a teacher.
- Explain and critically review the decisions you made using the vocational pedagogic knowledge base.
- Assess your own competence in relation to professional competence requirements and competence criteria.
- Identify further needs and opportunities for development in the work practices and you own competence.
H) Functional pedagogy
Competence demonstration
- Familiarize yourself broadly with the concept of functional pedagogy implemented in the field of education and its modes of operation. For example, art-based methods (e.g. drama, music, visual arts, writing, light and film, dance), adventure and nature education, exercise, play, gamification, cooperative learning, group guidance methods and so on.
- Familiarize yourself with the background and starting points of functional pedagogy by studying relevant pedagogical literature. If possible, familiarize yourself with practical activities.
- Choose a context in which you apply the functional pedagogy of your choice. The context can be, for example, a project, course, part of a degree or training for working life.
- Describe the exercises, techniques and methods used in functional pedagogy.
- Apply the approach of functional pedagogy in the context of your choice with pedagogical reasoning.
- Analyse the successfulness of your experiments. What was successful and why, what was inspiring, what left you thinking, what would you change, what would you like to know more about?
- Document your findings and experiments. Try using methods such as image, sound, movement, poetry, comics or animation in the documentation.
- Review the decisions you made using vocational education research and pedagogical literature.
- Assess your own competence in relation to professional competence requirements and competence criteria.
- Reflect on how you will develop your competence in relation to the use of functional pedagogy in the future.
I) Entrepreneurial Pedagogy
Competence demonstration
- Familiarise yourself with the entrepreneurship strategies and national guidelines for entrepreneurship education. Describe how they promote the development of teaching and tutoring.
- Choose a teaching practice context in which you apply entrepreneurial pedagogy. The context can be, for example, a project, module, part of a degree or working life training.
- Apply the entrepreneurial pedagogy in the context of your choice with pedagogical reasoning.
- Describe how you worked together with the companies, educational institutions and students.
- Describe how you promoted the entrepreneur-like operations of your work community.
- Assess how your entrepreneurial pedagogy goals were achieved.
- Assess the skills needed in the future of your field and consider how an entrepreneurial pedagogical approach supports the future skills in working life.
- Explain and critically review the decisions you made using vocational education research and pedagogical literature.
- Assess your own competence in relation to professional competence requirements and competence criteria. Identify further needs and opportunities for development in the work practices and your own competence.
J) Free choice pedagogical emphasis
Competence demonstration
- In your teaching and tutoring practice, plan and implement a pedagogical process that is necessary from the viewpoint of your students, field or operating environment. Negotiate about the topic and the contents of the development project with your tutor.
- Describe the competence goals of your actions that are to be assessed.
- Implement your project together with your students and assess the outcomes with the stakeholders you collaborated with.
- Explain and critically review the decisions you made using the pedagogical literature and research of your choice.
- Assess your own competence in relation to professional competence requirements and competence criteria. Identify further needs and opportunities for development in the work practices and your own competence.
- Find up-to-date materials that explain and guide your emphasis and give it background. Use them in the planning and assessment of you work.
Research and development topics for the module
- Documents and guidelines that regulate assessment
- Assessment targets and criteria Assessment in different phases of the learning process in various learning environments
- Recognition and validation of prior learning
- Development of assessment
Work methods
- Examine the concept of assessment within vocational and higher education. Develop assessment activities in your personal practice, in cooperation with students, colleagues and network contacts whenever possible.
- Relate this module to teaching practice (study unit 2.2).
Competence demonstration
- Present the documents that regulate assessment in the environment in which you are working.
- Describe how you have implemented learning and/or competence assessment in the operating environment. Select the context for your assessment practice, for example a course or a study unit/qualification unit/ module within a degree or qualification.
- Present and explain the competence requirements and/or the expected learning outcomes of the course, module or study unit, elaborate on the assessment strategies, methods and criteria used.
- Present the grading scheme and the grade scales used on task and course level.
- Describe how competence assessment can be implemented within practical work assignments (e.g. by observing assessment situations at a workplace).
- Describe how assessment is being developed in cooperation with students and colleagues as well as workplaces and educational institutions (e.g. by interviewing teachers, observing development processes or participating in them).
- Explain and critically review the decisions you made using relevant vocational education research, pedagogical literature, laws and regulations.
- Assess your own competence in relation to professional competence requirements and competence criteria.
Research and development topics for the module
- Legislation regulating career guidance and guidelines of the organization providing the guidance service
- Goals, services and processes (models) of career guidance in vocational training at different stages of studies
- Career guidance's different operating environments, methods and plans (e.g. PSP, working life-oriented learning environments, studification, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ways of working)
- Validation and accreditation of work-based learning and workplace-oriented learning in varied environments
- Career counselling competences of vocational teachers
- Career paths and future outlooks for vocational students
Work methods
- Agree in your peer group upon how you will approach the above research and development topics.
- Investigate the career and job opportunities and self-employment in your own field.
- Explore the practices for personalisation of studies, prior competence recognition and validation, studification processes in educational institutions, as well as validating and accrediting work-based learning. If there are persons in your peer group doing career guidance elsewhere than in vocational training, think of how to include their experiences and views.
Competence demonstration
- Describe a career counselling process which you are part of as a teacher/tutor or explore processes led by others e.g. by interviewing and observing teachers and students or an organisation representative.
- Introduce the legislation or, for example, the organisation’s strategic instructions related to career counselling.
- Describe the competence that will be required in the future of the work duties and, more extensively, field of the person being counselled.
- Describe the career counselling services the person being counselled can utilise in order to find employment or advance in their career.
- Describe the career counselling policies of the education institute or organisation (such as, counselling plan, individual study paths, validation of learning and competences, career planning, performance review and assessment).
- Describe the personalisation-based career counselling process. The career counselling process can contain the realisation of the focus on students or customers, setting and assessment of interim goals, creation and development of interaction, counselling methods, digital counselling tools and documentation.
- Together with the person being counselled, assess how the interim goals set for the career counselling are implemented.
- Outline and critically review your observations about career counselling using vocational education research and pedagogical literature.
- Assess your own career competence in relation to professional competence requirements and competence criteria. Identify further needs and opportunities for development in the work practices.
8) As a vocational teacher, I am familiar with the laws and regulations related to vocational education and the world of work and I apply them in my work.
- I am able to act and justify my actions according to the laws and regulations that guide my line of work. I am also familiar with the strategy of my organization, and I act accordingly.
- I am familiar with the collective labour agreements of my field and I respect them in my work. I share the results of the development work with my fellow students, my work community, and in my networks.
9) As a vocational teacher, I am an active member of society and lay the groundwork for future vocational education.
- I follow societal discussion on the role of education.
- I bring in views on future competencies to my work.
- I am familiar with the international activities of vocational education.
You can have this module credit transferred with prior university-level education or open UAS equivalent studies.
Expected learning outcomes
- You learn about the historical development and roles of vocational education from the perspective of the individual and society
- You learn about professional knowledge and eco-social education as concepts
- You identify the changes in working life and their effects on the development of education
- You recognise the importance of continuous learning at different career stages
- Vocational education development from the perspective of the individual and society
- Vocational education, social development and growing into an active citizen
- The societal role of education and education in the changes in working life
Work methods
- Studying literature and other material
- Following the current debate on education
- Completing a summarising assignment
- Participation in the online workshop
Research and development topics for the module
- The vocational education system and organization in Finland
- Education policy and national development topics
- Current legislation, agreements and guidelines governing vocational education
- The monitoring system, performance-based management and funding of vocational education
- Guidelines for education providers and plans required by law
- Teacher eligibility by education level, teachers' collective labour agreements
Work methods
- Familiarize yourself with the subjects of research and development of the study unit in the operating environments of vocational secondary schools and universities of applied sciences. How do they appear in practice from the perspective of education organizer, teacher and student?
- The tutor and the peer group will jointly decide on the delivery method of this module. The plan is recorded in the peer group action plan. The peer group decides on the research questions, development topics, task allocation, outputs and how they will be processed.
- The peer group can also look at research and development targets according to the interests, backgrounds and job descriptions of the peer group members, e.g. in liberal adult education or at functional interfaces between vocational training and the background communities of the peer group members.
- Compare legislation, guidelines and practices at different levels of vocational education. Look for answers not only at the national and education organizer level, but also at the level of teachers' and students' activities (e.g. operating models, responsibilities and rights that regulate teaching, guidance, special support and evaluation).
Demonstrating competence
- The peer group demonstrates its competence as agreed with the tutor, e.g. as an oral competence demonstration or written output.
- The peer group makes a common summary document of their work, in which all subjects of research and development of the course are discussed.
The document also describes
- working starting points and goals
- the source material used in the work
- different phases of work
- the meetings held and notes on the topics that were discussed during the meetings
The peer group also evaluates the knowledge acquired together according to the targets of research and development. In addition, students reflect individually which criteria of professional teacher competence were met from the point of view of your competence. Each member of the peer group examines their takeaways from each theme the peer group discussed. The peer group evaluates the completed work and presents possible areas for improvement.