Journey mapping illustration

Lead paragraph

Journey maps help designers to visualize either existing service experiences (current journey maps) or new service experiences (future journey maps). Journey maps focus on human experiences and illustrate the experience of a specific person as a sequence of interactions/touchpoints.

PREPARATION: up to 20 minutes
DURATION: 45-60 minutes
TEMPLATE OR GUIDELINES: Journey Map template
FACILITATORS: 1 per workshop
RESOURCES: Research data, persona templates (paper-based or digital), paper, pens, masking tape,  Post-its, a large sheet of paper or whiteboard
PARTICIPANTS: 2–8, design team, partners, community members, etc.

The basic structure of a journey map consists of steps and stages defining the scale of the visualized experience. The scale can range from a high-level journey map that shows the entire end-to-end experience to a very detailed journey map showing only a few minutes. You can think of the scale of a journey map like the zoom levels of a map.


Define the focus of what you are interested in and consider what you want to do with your findings.

Based on the selected focus area, select one of your personas for the journey, and highlight the persona’s goal (needs, expectations, etc.)

Organize a meeting with the selected participants, prepare the room, and gather the necessary resources and supplies to create journey maps. Define the scale and scope of the journey. Is the journey about an experience of 20 minutes, 2 hours, 2 days, or 2 years? Decide the stages of the journey. Stages are sections of an experience, such as ‘awareness, planning, booking, travel to, check-in, experience, sharing, check-out, return from’, of a resort. Think about what expectations will be set up-front, how you will start and end the workshop, and how much time participants are expected to dedicate to this activity.

This is an iterative process. Use the Journey Map and cluster the field data and insights around the defined stages and again look to identify gaps in your data. When needed, you should go back and collect more field data and insights to fill the gaps. Map touchpoints by rooting them in your data – notes, photos, sketches, screenshots, and artifacts help visualize the service experience as a journey map. Now you can look at the big picture – the totality of the persona’s service experience.

Write up key outcomes from this exercise – journey maps.


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