Basics of Financial Management, 5 op
Welcome! In this course, you will learn some basic accounting-finance concepts you will use for your entire professional career and also get to learn some business math-related concepts.
If you engage, study and participate actively, you will be able to understand financial statements and use various accounting methods for decision-making purposes, and also learn some basic concepts of mathematics for business, calculating simple and compound interest, while learning how to use MS excel to do some calculations.
You will be able to interpret the content of financial statements with the help of the main financial ratios.
You will be able to make distinctions between different cost types and understand the cost behavior and its implications for profitability calculations.
You will be able to understand the use of cost-volume-profit analysis for different purposes like sensitivity analysis and price-setting.
You will be able to understand the use of basic cost allocation methods for decision-making purposes.
You will be able to understand and prepare basic income statements and cash budgets.
Looking forward to working together!
Koulutuksen tiedot
Ilmoittaudu avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun opintoihin ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässämme. Opintoihin ei ole pohjakoulutusvaatimuksia. Tarkista mahdolliset esitietovaatimukset opintojaksokuvauksesta. Ilmoittautuminen on sitova ja opiskelijat hyväksytään mukaan ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä. Jos sinua kiinnostava opinto on täynnä, voit ilmoittautua jonoon.