3D Extended Course, 3 op
This course is for those who have already taken the DIG012AS2AE Basic 3D Design with Blender. You have a choice of preparing a tutorial on some feature of Blender that you found particularly interesting, such as particle systems, geometry nodes, procedural materials and whatever you fancy. You can also work with photogrammetry, or develop the 3D Lab's skills with virtual glasses of which we have five pairs. It is also possible that we may have a client that needs 3D work, and in that case you may end up working in Mozilla Hubs producing virtual spaces for the client (as we did with YLE), or doing something else 3D related. This course is therefore for those who are willing to push the boundaries of their own skills in 3D.
Koulutuksen tiedot
Ilmoittaudu avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun opintoihin ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässämme. Opintoihin ei ole pohjakoulutusvaatimuksia. Tarkista mahdolliset esitietovaatimukset opintojaksokuvauksesta. Ilmoittautuminen on sitova ja opiskelijat hyväksytään mukaan ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä. Jos sinua kiinnostava opinto on täynnä, voit ilmoittautua jonoon.