Culture and Communication in the EU, 5 ECTS
Interested in becoming an active professional in the work of the EU and its institutions?
Would you like to grow your understanding of intercultural competence, communication and networking skills in the EU and its institutions, and boost your confidence in addressing many topical issues such as immigration, employment, education, inclusion? Would you like to enhance your skills in productive negotiations? This relevant contemporary course provides you with useful knowledge and understanding of the requirements of working in the EU and the career opportunities offered by the European Union institutions.
Course information
Enrol for the Open UAS studies in our enrolment system. Please familiarize yourself with the possible course-specific prerequisites in the course description. Enrolment is binding and the students will be selected in order of enrolment. If the studies you are interested in have no seats available, you may enroll and you will be in the waiting list. More information on enrolment and cancellation.